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When Sylvia Gale, in her slightly too large overalls walked to the school's old newspaper Betty Cooper was already there. She was sitting behind a desk that held a mamoth sized computer. Sylvia stood in the doorway and looked around the room; she took notice of the old timy radio in the back corner, and of the white tarps that covered the other desks and lamps that littered the room

"God," Sylvia questioned as she breathed in the smell of mothballs and dust, "When was the last time someone actually came in here." 

Betty's baby blues brightened as they flew up to Sylvia, "You came!" 

The younger girl offered an akward smile. "You kind of begged me. Besides I said I would..."

"I just thought..." Betty trailed off as she stood up.

"I wouldn't come?" Sylvia didn't take Betty nodding to heart, instead, she walked further into the room.

"Do I get to pick a desk?" Sylvia wondered, "Or do I get one assgined to me?" Betty smiled at the girls snark.

"You can pick yours." Sylvia nodded, pleased, and looked at the five other desks in he room. While three out of five all had computers on them, underneath the tarps, Slyvia walked over to the desk that stood under only window in the room. 

It was smaller compared to the other desks, but when Sylvia pulled the tarp off of it and looked at the dark wood she took noticed to how unmarked it was.

"I want this one," she told Betty who nodded. 

"So," Sylvia said, tossing her bag onto her new workspace, "I thought there was going to be there of us? Where's this friend of yours? Jughead?"

"Right here," a moody voice interjected from behind them, casing Sylvia to let out a squeak as she jumped around to see a taller, darkly dressed boy leaning against the doorway. 

Both older students looked at Sylvia strangely for a moment. 

"But what I don't get is, that if print journalism is dead why I am here." Jughead uncrossed his arms and pushed off of the doorway. As he walked further into the room he stopped at the desk closest to the door.

Betty, while using her index finger to swipe dust off of the computer's keyboard, told him, "The blue and Gold isn't dead juggy. It's just... dormant, but waking up." Jughead swiped a magnifying glass out of pencil holder.

"You're writing a novel, right?" Betty asked, "About Jason Blossoms murder?" 

"I am," Jughead responded, holding up the magnifying glass, pointing it at Betty first, and then at Sylvia, "Riverdales very own In Cold Blood."

"Which," Betty pointed out, "Started off as a series of articles."

"I'm hoping you'll come write for the Blue and Gold," Betty told Jughead, her hand hovering over the outdated piece of technology. 

"I don't think the school paper's the right fit for my voice," Jughead denied. 

"No Juggie," Betty sighed, "Jason's death changed riverdale. People don't want to admit that, but it's true, we all feel it-"

"I don't," Sylvia interjected, causing both sophomores to looked at her. Sylvia pulled a face, not apologetic, but somewhere between slightly remorseful and embarrassed.

"Sorry, 'slipped out." Betty turned back to Jughead, who was still looking at Sylvia with an analytic gaze.

"Nothing bad was ever supposed to happen here, and I want to know why."  

"Will I get complete freedom?" Though, to Sylvia, it didn't sound like Jughead was asking, it was more like that was the ultimative, 'Give me complete freedom or I'm out.'

"I'll help-," Betty nodded, and though she didn't seem to notice, Sylvia saw Jughead eyebrows come together at that, "-And edit-," his eyebrows came together again, "And suggest-," his eyebrows came together again. "But it's your story, your voice." Jughead nodded at that.

"It doesn't sound like complete freedom," Jughead said pointedly,  but while Betty was holding her breath Sylvia, with a knowing smirk, knew his answer, "But I'm in."

Betty clapped her hands together. 

"That's great!" She turned to Sylvia, 

"Jug, this is Sylvia Gale. She's a freshmen,she'll be writing lifestyle pieces." Sylvia stuck her hand out to Jughead.

"Hi," she offered. Jughead took a moment, but quickly shook her hand,

"Hi. You're the girl that beat up Reggie a few years ago, right?" Jughead asked as he let go of her hand. 

"I didn't think anyone still remembered that," Sylvia said with a small smile. Sylvia didn't get into fights every week, but she did get into quite a few and she didn't think anyone would remember her getting into a fight with Reggie Mantle back when she was in the seventh grade. Mostly because Reggie didn't want anyone remembering a girl a quarter of his height breaking his nose on the middle school basketball court, but still, she didn't think anyone actively remembered it.

"Yeah well," Jughead shrugged, not admitting that seeing a girl her size take back his lifelong bully was still one of his favorite memories.

"Great," Betty cut in, "Now that we're all acquainted I have your first assignments."

She turned to Jughead, "There's one person who was at the river on July fourth, that no one's talking about..."

"Dilton Doiley and his scouts," Jughead finished. He nodded, his thumb dragging across  the underside of his nose-he turned to Sylvia and nodded, and she with a small smile nodded back -before walking out of the room, determined t find the high school scoutmaster.

Betty then turned to Sylvia, "Did you go to dance last Friday?" The brunette nodded.

"Yeah, why?" She hated it, but she went because her mother had convinced her that it would be fun. It wasn't, she had a panic attack as soon as the loud music started and people began crowding the gym. Not that she was going to admit that; everyone at Riverdale thought she edgy cut throat badass, and she was not about to lose that title.

"Because I want you to write about that, and Veronica."

"The dance I get," Sylvia stated, "But Veronica?"

"Yeah," Betty nodded, "It's not like people move to Riverdale a lot, she's the first new person in town since-"

"Me and my mom," Sylvia nodded, thinking about how three years ago she didn't live in a tiny, pep filled, midwest, no-name town, but instead how her and her mother lived in Scottsdale, Arizona.

"Sure, when's the piece due?" Sylvia asked.

"Thursday," Betty said. Sylvia didn't comment on how that was only three days away, but instead nodded.

"You got it boss."


so what did you all think of that?

why do you guys think Sylvia acts that way (why she's jumpy, always ready to fight, etc.)

Gallows Humor 💀 Jughead Jones [DISCONTUINED]Where stories live. Discover now