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"I hate eating green things," Sylvia randomly told Jughead. The pair were walking to Pop Tate's Chok'lit Shoppe, the only dinner in all of Riverdale, to get answers pertaining to the murder of the teenage socialite Jason Blossom.

Jughead, who was still wearing Sylvia's too-small jacket, because she could 'Take a little cold', turned to her with a dark eyebrow raised. "What?"

"I hate eating green things," she repeated, "Stringbeans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, they all suck."

"I'm pretty sure everyone hates brussel sprouts," Jughead said, but Sylvia shook her head, the muscle in her left check tensioned.

"My dad didn't, he loved 'em," Sylvia grumbled, looking down at her beat up shoes. Jughead frowned at her bitter tone, something that didn't seem right coming from her. He knew she probably should have left the subject of Mr. Gale alone, but he'd never heard the term curiosity killed the cat.

"What happened?" He wondered, "To your dad?" Sylvia looked up at Jughead with a frown.

"Why do you wanna know?" The beanie wearing boy didn't have a good answer, so he shrugged and told her that, "Because next to the mysterious death of Jason Blossom you're probably the biggest mystery this town has."

Sylvia's face heated up, not sure if being called a mystery was good thing or a bad one.

"Well," she told him, "Nothing happened to him. He's out there, back in Arizona with my grandma and brother. We don't speak-last time I spoke my dad was probably before we moved here, so I wouldn't really know"

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah," Sylvia nodded sadly, "Nick, he's my half-brother, on my dad's side. He's a few years younger than me." The way she spoke of her brother, Nick, the slightly indifferent tone that mostly covered up the longing in her voice made Jughead frown. She was acting like not speaking to her brother was no big deal while he'd give his left arm to speak with his sister just one more time.

"Why don't you call?" Jughead spat, his pale fingers curling into fists. Sylvia turned to the older boy with a dangerous fire in her eyes and a tightened jaw,

"It's not that simple." She sucked in a deep breath, "Besides I bearly know the kid." Jughead turned his head away from her while she did the same thing to him.

Neither spoke the rest of the way to the dinner, instead they both opted to let their arms brush against one another while they stayed in the tense quite that'd fallen over them. When they did turn onto Jefferson, Sylvia looked to Jughead.

"I'm going to need my jacket back," she told him.

"What?" He'd almost forgotten that he was wearing it.

"I like to think I look more intimidating with it on," she told him. He didn't bother to tell her that he thought she always looked intimidating, and instead silently shrugged off her jacket. What had once only reached a few inches above his wrist seemingly swallowed Sylvia Gale hole. The leather jacket not only reached her knuckles but just brushed past her hips.

"So how're we playing this?" She asked, "Are we going to wait for the kid to come out alone? Or do we ambush him in the bathroom? Or..." Jughead sent Sylvia a bemused smirk,

"Just follow my lead kid." Jughead started to walk away when he felt Sylvia grab his arm. The young girl spun him around with a serious look on her face.

"I am not a kid." She told him.

"No but saying 'Just follow my lead teen' doesn't sound as cool, now does it?" Sylvia, though did let go of his arm, sent him a sardonic look.

"Now," Jughead said, motioning his head to the dinner, "Come on."


hey guys I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, but hey don't fret, im back!

(and ill update a few more times this week!)

just a few thing:


2. since we all know that Jug and Betty are a thing in the show and im obviously not going to go that way how would you guys feel about Betty/Veronica (if you dont like that make sure to leave a comment and tell me what pairing you think i should include)

3. let me know what you think of Sylvia's backstory, (what you think really happened, that kind of stuff!)

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