Chapter 7

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As we walked out the village, we got to a certain point where Naruto noticed a puddle.

Naruto pov
I stared at the puddle, thinking about how it hadn't rained in weeks yet tis perplexity laid here. I stared at it then  ran to it an stared adding lighting chakra to it (Naruto has all chakra elements but they are all it's pure form) and suddenly to people came out of the puddle and Naruto began to interrogate them.

"Why are you following us ?"Naruto asked.They said never so Naruto put them in tsukyomi . When it finished  they we're  crying and begging for mercy."Good now tell me who you are and why you were following us." Said the blond. They told them that they were hired by Gato to kill the bridge builder and that they would soon meet a different ninja.

In the end I just killed them and took their heads for their bounties later on.

Kakashi POV

I never knew naruto could use the ksukyomi or that he had a sharingan, I wonder how he got it.

Naruto POV again

As we wear walking I heard a sound from a bush so Incenerated it and so a white rqbbit and a piece of cloth that had been burnt."NARUTO WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU COULD OF HURT IT!?" screeched by sakura holding the rabbit." Well at least you have a rabbit."said by sanurie. But naruto was looking at the burnt wondering were it came the a giant sword came at them and when it was coming kakashi shouted duck but naruto caught the sword and transformed it using atom and light release then used it  cut down zabuza
while zabuza hit him  Water style:Water dragon jutsu and he flew back but naruto managed to kill him with fire ball jutsu by sanuri, chidori by kakasi and finally amaterasu on the rest of his body besides the head by naruto.

That I such a long chapter but I guess that's what you get when you don't update I make a chappy explaining why so see you later hope you enjoy and remember to vote.

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