No Faith Left In Humanity

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*~Hey guys! A little note from me before the chapter. Yes I know I said only Wednesdays and Sundays but I have a lot on my plate tomorrow and will not be able to post so to make up for that I am posting a chapter early and I hope you all enjoy it especially since how we left on the last chapter had some questions. Enjoy my lovely readers!~*

Sidney stood in front of the door, frozen as she fights the urge to scream and bang on the door. Tears flow from her eyes as she looks at the door, her chest heavy and her heart aching. She so desperately wanted to bang on the door and tell her parent to come into the safe room, but she knew, she knew that if she did she was risking Toriel, Frisk and her lives. If she even wanted a slim chance of seeing her mom and dad she had to be quiet and keep Toriel and Frisk safe.

Toriel grabbed Sidney's hand and pulled her close to her making her back face the door. Holding the young women close she hummed quietly with whispers of comfort and encouragement. Sidney cried into Toriel's chest as the tall goat monster led her and Frisk to the bed and laid them down. Humming as Frisk fell asleep and Sidney into unconsciousness.

It seemed not long after she fell asleep Sidney woke up, she noted Toriel sleeping in the chair and a blanket over her. Going over to the door Sidney listens closely as she hears soft sounds of footsteps. Either her mother and father were alive and coming to tell them it was safe or the LHM was still in her home and her parents. She crossed her fingers in her last hope that her parents were still alive.

Seeming like hours later the deafening sounds of two gunshots and the cut off screams of a women. Tears trickle down the side of Sidney's face, her hope now crushed at seeing her parents alive shattered at the noise. It wasn't safe to hope that it wasn't her mother's last scream she heard, horrible thoughts went through Sidney's mind as she thinks of her mom and dad's faces as they were killed.

Sidney falls to her knees leaning against the door as she cries herself back into unconsciousness. Her world destroyed before she even could see it. Nothing seemed to matter but the fact they were gone. And there was no way to get them back.

Waking up the next time seemed like the hardest thing she could ever do. Her life was flipped upside down in less than 24 hours. Her heart heavy, her body was sore and her chest felt like someone threw a ton of bricks on top of her. Taking a deep breath she gets up and opens the door.

Stepping out, Sidney noticed her kitchen cabinets were riddled with bullet holes in them. Nothing else seemed out of place besides the kitchen table that was tipped over.

Going into the living room it was worst then the kitchen. The couches were tipped over and had stuffing spilling out, the door wide open with the handle broken. The walls were littered with graffiti and they all revolved around monsters.

"Monster lovers"

"Destroyers of Humanity"


Ignoring the living room she looks at the stairs, the house was damaged but nothing could be worst then the stairs. A stream of blood as it flowed down from the top landing that lead to the bedrooms. A puddle of blood already formed at the bottom of it. Sidney stood at the edge of it, her eyes widen in horror, tremors of disgust shook her body.

At the top of the stairs was her parents bodies stuck to the wall, their eyes and others opened wide. Behind their bodies written in what looks like blood was the same stuff from the living room. As if it was a sacrifice, to appease to human society.

A scream of rage and horror ripped from her lips as she fell back crying. Her body frozen from the shock and her eyes stuck on the dead cold ones of her mother. Tears streamed as Sidney whimpered and cried repeating "I'm sorry." Over and over.

Toriel came to her, eyes wide as she glanced up at the bodies. Forcing her attention to Sidney, staring at the broken girl she gently picks her up breaking her eye contact with her parents.

Sidney fell asleep drifting back to the only safe place she had left. She fell limped in Toriel's arm, mumbling "I'm sorry mom and dad." Her cheeks red with tear stains and her soul heavy and throbbed in sorrow.

Toriel took her back to the safe room where Frisk still laid asleep. Shaking her head Toriel was glad that her child did not have to see the horror and feel the pain Sidney current had. Placing her on the bed she covers them both up watching as Frisk curls into Sidney and Sidney wrapping her arms around Frisk.

With the unknown amount of time she had, Toriel begin to clean the house. First she would deal with Mrs. Leslie and Mr. Aaron. If nothing else at less Sidney would not see their bodies again.

After seeing her 7 human children buried she did the same with them. Cleaning and wrapping them in blankets she slowly starts to dig outside the home under the large weeping willow tree.

After the stones were put over the two Toriel cleans the blood from the stairs and wall. Cleaning slowly she was able to get most of the house done. Unable to save the couches, door, or kitchen cabinets she takes the door and couch or and uses her magic to burn them. 

Slowly what was in shambles seemed to return slightly to normal. Even though it would never be normal now that Sidney was alone

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