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Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in about a month but I promise updating will start normally again tomorrow! I will have another chapter up and running then another on Wednesday like I originally promise! 

Now I really don't have any excuse to not of been here for the past month but I can say I've come up with a bunch of great ideas for this book and plan on writing a lot for you guys! So no worry about content. If you want anything added into the book or see an issue I did not note or anything please leave a comment telling me, I appreciate them always!

Bringing this up now as I am making this note to you all, this same exact book is up on Archives of Our Own (Love it!) So no this book is not stolen or anything, as soon as this note is posted it will be on Ao3 and no worries! If you really get paranoid you can see the same exact username and in a second (after I updated them) same profile photo!

Thank you all for staying and enjoying my story, next chapter will be up tomorrow somewhere around either early morning or late evening! See you guys then leave any questions, comments or concerns in the comments below and I will see you~ In the next chapter~! Bye bye~ (doing a markiplier outro XD)

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