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As we arrived at the airport with Bryana, a wave of anxiety crashed over me.  I wasn't one to get myself into trouble that often.  Were they going to ground me? What did they even think of the video?  The thoughts were racing through my head, and before I knew it we were standing in a terminal waiting area.  There were groups of girls around with their phones out.  They were easily detected as fans with their 5sos t-shirts and other merchandise.  

This wasn't uncommon. Groups of people would spread out all around the airport on the day they found out the boys would be arriving back into town.  It wasn't hard to know when they were on their way back considering either Ashton or Luke would post a snapchat or tweet a picture of the plane taking off.  It also didn't take a genius to know that when they said they were coming home, they probably meant coming back to their home in Sydney, Australia.

Soon we saw people flooding out of the doors on the other side of the terminal.  The boys had a system now: They would get off of the plane individually with hats and sunglasses on, with attire that was out of their "style".  Then they would all meet up outside at the car while Bryana and I headed over to the luggage claim.  As soon as we saw Michael leave the terminal, we went to get all of their nags and stuff.  

Once we had gathered all of the suitcases and duffel bags, we made our way out to the car where the boys were waiting.  Bryana popped the trunk and started organizing everything into the back.

"I'm sorry, I just can't wait any longer." Michael said with a grin as he took his hat and sunglasses off, wrapping me in a big bear hug and lifting me off of my feet.  I giggled as he spun me around and then set me back down again.  Luke and Calum did pretty much the same, but put their own little twists in, while Ashton helped Bryana put everything in the back.  He stopped and looked at me with a stern face as I gave him a sheepish smile.

"Oh c'mon Ashy Poo! Even though she's in trouble, give her a hug.  We haven't seen her in ages." Michael giggled.  Ashton unfolded his arms and gave me a lopsided grin as he pulled me into a hug.  

"We are going to have a talk though, okay?" Ashton said to me.  I nodded and got into the car with Michael, Calum, and Luke.  Ashton, Bryana and the rest of the security guards went into the other one.

I was pretty quiet when we first started driving, until the boys started harassing me about why Ash was mad.

"Just tell us! It can't be that bad, I mean you're... Ella." Luke laughed.  I sighed as a grin appeared on my face.  If I told them what happened, that would also mean that I'd have to see the video.  Just when I was about to answer, Calum chimed in.

"Uh guys? I think I might know what video Ashton was muttering about on the plane." He said, holding up his phone.  It was the video of me at the party.  He hit the play button as a blush settled over my cheeks.  My voice rung throughout the car.  The boys looked astonished as I shied away and looked out the window, trying to avoid the situation entirely.  

"Woah." Luke was the first to say anything after the video had stopped.

"That's some voice you've got there." Michael said.  I didn't really know what to say because stuff like this never happens to me.

"Thanks?" I said questioningly.

"No seriously! You sounded really good.  But why is Ash mad?" Calum asked confusedly.

"Weeeelllll.  I was supposed to be sleeping over at Diana's that night, which I did, but we also went to an end of the summer party.  Ashton and Bryana were kind of pissed when they found out I went to a party without permission.

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