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We all looked at each other's time tables to see what classes we all had together.  We concluded that  we all had Maths for first period and then Diana and I went to History.  Then we would all be together for third period in Choir, but then Caleb and I split off for Chemistry.  Then we all had lunch, and I had broadcasting/media after that, while they both went to digital art.  Then we all had a free period together, so we could hang out, plus after that we all had language and literature together.  

We seemed to have gotten pretty lucky this year, but we did ask our counselors if there was any way we could be placed together in some classes.  They did say it was only a possibility, but it seems they did what we had asked for.  Any classes that we didn't have together, was because the other person had a different teacher for that class.  That meant that our time tables were identical in terms of classes.  Since Diana and I were in AP history, that's why Caleb wasn't with us.  And since Caleb and I took chemistry, Diana wasn't with use because she was in forensics.  I decided to take broadcasting/media because it seemed interesting to me, while Caleb and Diana decided on digital art.

"Oh! Guys, I have a new addition to the locker." I said eagerly.  We pretty much used my locker as a shared locker since most of our classes didn't even require textbooks anymore.  We had all this up to date technology in our school now, so lockers weren't as filled up with school books and binders.  Plus my locker was like, right in the center of all of our classes so it was easy to get too. But for the new addition, it was a picture of all of us.  It was taken over the summer at Diana's birthday party, and all of us were laughing in it.  Both of them didn't know the picture existed, because I wanted it to be a surprise.

I took a tack from the locker-sized cork board and stuck the picture to the board with it.  It was right in the middle so we could all see it.

"That picture is so nice! When was that even taken?" Caleb asked.

"I remember.  It was at my birthday party.  But who took it?" Diana asked, looking at me.

"Michael snapped it apparently, and then showed me after we left the party.  I got it printed out as a little 'back-to-school' present for you guys." I said smiling at them.

"That's freaking adorable.  I love it." Diana giggled.

"Okay guys, we should probably head to maths.  Class starts in like two minutes." Caleb said, looking down at his phone.

Diana and I nodded and the three of us headed to maths.  The class was pretty boring.  New teacher, syllabus, classroom expectations, blah blah blah.  That was pretty much how the entire day went.  There was a something new in lunch though.  We now had vending machines, and they had a Ben and Jerry's ice cream vending machine thing.  

It was towards the end of the day and we all had our free period.  Diana had met up with me, but Caleb was no where to be found.

"He told me that he had to go to the library and check out a book that he really wanted to read?" Diana said quizzically.

"That's suspicious.  Caleb never reads." I chuckled.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll meet you in commons two." I told her.  She nodded and I headed in the other direction towards the bathroom.  As I was rounding the corner, I heard two voices whispering.  One of them sounded really familiar, and the other I knew as Caleb.  I knew I shouldn't of been eavesdropping, but obviously Caleb wasn't at the library.

"When are you going to tell her?" The unknown but familiar voice said kind of angrily.

"Soon.  Ella's got a lot on her plate right now, I don't know if she can handle this.  Telling her could make things worse." Caleb said.

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