He's Attractive

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From the very first time we are introduced to Rikkard Ambrose, he is portrayed as an attractive male with chiseled features and a jawline that could cut through a diamond. His extreme attractiveness is part of the reason that he gets so many eligible young women of marriageable age thrown at him every time he leaves his cold office. Vulture-like matronly figures such as Aunt Brank really desire to sink their claws into him, his money, and his attractive visage, and that unfortunately(or fortunately) keeps him away from the aristocratic social scene of London most of the time. 

Examples of young ladies(and older women) getting flustered by his looks include; when he showed up at the Ball and the Lady Metcalf started stuttering because  of his attractiveness(and the fact that he decided to come to the Ball extremely late); Lilly stares at him when he is dressed as a young East India Company soldier in the first book; the French ambassador's daughter in Egypt flirts and dances with him(and almost osculates with him) in ITEOTS; Lilly is obsessed with his pectoral muscles in SIG. 

Clearly Mr Ambrose is one attractive specimen, and that of course attracts many young women around the world(including myself😉) to him, but we love him for more than just his looks and power...

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