Chapter 5

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February 16th - Day 31

I sat on the couch in the loosest definition of the verb, my feet propped up on the top of the cushions, head hanging off the side, and phone in hand. Danielle was perched next to me, absorbed in a particularly riveting episode of Dance Moms as Liam threw together some lunch in the kitchen. Dani had forced me to stay home, after noticing my cough and practically forcing a thermometer down my throat to find I had a fever. I hated canceling appointments, but maybe she was right. I’d been fighting this sickness for weeks, and maybe a day off was what I needed. 

I turned my phone over in my fingers, debating whether or not it was too soon to text Harry. Since our last session had been interrupted by the inconvenient reality of his illness, I was hoping we could somehow meet up again before our next session to make up for lost time.

It wasn’t just that I wanted to see him again. That would be stupid.

I opened up a new message, holding my phone about two inches from my face and beginning to type.

You want to meet up sometime before our next meeting?

I stared at the letters, deleting them with a sigh. I sound like a fucking creep. 

Hello, would you be open to having another meeting since

Well that doesn’t sound awkward or forced at all, great job Tomlinson.

Danielle poked me with her toe, leaning over to try and get a look at my screen. “Who’re you texting?”

I hugged my phone to my chest, trying not to look guilty and, judging by the look on her face, failing miserably. “No one.”

“Is it a guy?” She asked, her eyes widening in excitement as I silently cursed commercial breaks.

“It’s none of your business.” I replied, projecting an aura of aloofness as best I could.

She leaned in closer, television completely forgotten. “Is it your boyfriend, that curly haired boy?”

Liam appeared in the doorway with a bowl of spaghetti. “What boyfriend?”

Danielle whirled. “The one he came into the bakery with last week, who he’s trying to hide from us!”

I grabbed a pillow and pressed it into my face, letting out a groan. “He’s a patient, Danielle! A patient!”

She gave my pillow a rather forceful pat. “A patient that you need to date. He is the definition of awkward hot, and if you do not get on that, I will.”

“Dani, he’s gay and you have a boyfriend who is standing in this room.” I replied, both amused and a little bit distressed at her continued prodding.

“It seemed like a good threat at the time.” She replied, plunking her feet down on my chest. “Hey Liam, fancy bringing me in some pasta?”

I hesitantly pulled the pillow from my eyes, sensing that while she was nowhere near finished with this topic, I was off the hook, at least for now. She was still giving me pointed looks, but her eyes did nothing more than twinkle with glee as I brought my phone back up to my face and took a third attempt at texting Harry.

So we didn’t really get to talk last thursday, care to reschedule? 

I examined it for a moment, then tacked a smiley face onto the end, sending it before I could think myself out of it.

He texted back nearly a minute later, which I suppose wasn’t all that surprising considering he spent most of him time with his computer in his Harry cocoon.

Catch Me I'm Falling - A Larry Stylinson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now