Chapter 31☆ Stone of Invisibility

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"Gwen Anderson and Tom Higgins were sent to the prison, far from Blousarry Academy. Tom Higgins was proven to be one of Damianos' wizards when they found a black crystal in his cape which is discovered to be the way to communicate with Damianos and his wizards and witches in the world of Darkness." Sachiel said while reading the newspaper. He looked at us, "So maybe, if we'll get a black crystal, even just one, we can communicate to them. Maybe in that way, we can help them get Trisha Wright." Sachiel said.

We're in the library.

"I think it'll be dangerous. Who knows? It might also be a way for them to go here. Leave it to them, Sachiel." Angelus said.

"By the way, where's Eryn?" I asked.

"Well, she said that she'll go buy a new broomstick." Sachiel answered.

"For what?" Angelus asked and Sachiel shrugged as a response.

Sachiel flipped the newspaper and continued reading, "After three years, Gilbert Wright from Opinicum, is back. Turns out he was held by Damianos' wizards and not dead. But his sister, Trisha Wright was still in Damianos' hand. The King said they're making a plan for Trisha Wright to be rescued--"

"Hey, is that Eryn?" Angelus said as he pointed someone.

"Yeah, it is." I said, looking at Eryn, sitting with Mia, Parodia, and Isabel. They were all in Serpento.

"What is she doing with them?" Sachiel asked.

"Talking about something, obviously." Angelus said.

"I thought she was going to buy a new broomstick." I said, a bit jealous.

"She said she will." Sachiel replied.

"Should we go ask her?" I asked.

"Nah, let her be. Maybe she wants to be their friend." Angelus said.

Eryn seemed to be having fun. They were whispering and laughing quietly and they'd whisper again and laugh and whisper again as if they were talking about someone. As if they were talking about a secret. Then, their faces became serious when Mia spoke.

"Sierra, Angelus, I have these. Well, I just saw these, on the ground when I went out our room. Someone could've dropped it. I don't know who so I didn't bother asking who owns these. Maybe someone could say that these are theirs even though these aren't. Maybe it was really for me." Sachiel said as he took something and showed us three white glowing stones.

"Wicked. You're so lucky!" Angelus said as he took the newspaper, Sachiel was holding, and tried to hide it with the newspaper. "Don't let someone see it. They might think we stole it." Angelus added.

"Ooh, what's that for?" I asked.

"It's the stone of Invisibility. You can be invisible for as long as you want if you eat one of those. But if you go back to being visible, you can never be invisible again except, if you'd eat another rock." Angelus whispered.

"What? You can eat a rock? How does that even feel? That's gonna be hard to chew and swallow. I can't even imagine anyone eating one." I said.

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