Chapter 37 ☆ Water Bender

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I went out of the room. "Oh hey, Sierra. I think you know exactly what we'll do today." Angelus immediately said, arms crossed.

I rolled my eyes and answered, "Practice."

"And yet, you woke up late." Angelus replied, shakin his head.

"Sierra, you'll like it there." Sachiel said as he went out his room carrying a bulky backpack which, I bet, is full of books.

"What? Why? Where are we going anyway?"

"I'll tell you when we get there." Angelus replied, smiling.


I gaped as I looked at it.

"Wow, that's like a long way to go. Do we really need to go there?" I couldn't even see the top of it because of the clouds.

"Yes, that's the tallest mountain in Airyeo. There's a little cottage at the top. It is said that the great master and the man who was the first water bender, Gregory Stone used to practice there. It's some kind of a quiet and safe place." Sachiel said, holding a book. "Also, when you're here, at the bottom, you won't see what's on the top but once you're at the top, you can see everything down here, or should I say the whole Airyeo." He continued then took off his glasses then replaced it with... "Goggles?" I said. Well, it looked like goggles except it looked old and was made of wood and had this complicated details on it.

"Nope, I made it myself. Kinda looks like goggles though. But it doesn't have glasses. What you're seeing right now is kinda made of a formula of bu... Er, this is awkward. I mean you don't care, right? anyway, it has a special covering that protects my eyes by having an invisible ball all over my head-- well, atleast it is not visible to our naked eyes-- and it just doesn't protect my eyes but it can also make my eyes clearer. I just don't wear this often because it's weird, I'm mean, right? I mean don't you think it's weird? I think it is. And I love it-er-just don't ask. My eyes are pretty sensitive." He said as he motioned his hands into different ways that does not even look like it made any sense. Then he cleared his throat awkwardly, "I'm done talking. Er, we should start. Climbing. I guess."

"We're not climbing. Sachiel, can you read that book again?" Angelus said, talking about the book Sachiel was holding that basically is about the world of Airyeo.

"Pegasus? Pegasus takes us there? Are Pegasus really a thing now?" Sachiel said, rather amused. "Well, I don't see any of them anywhere here."

"Are you sure you're reading everything on that book you got there?" Angelus sulked.

"Yeah, that's pretty much everything about the mountain." Sachiel said.

"Handle me that book." Angelus said then Sachiel gave it to him immediately.

Angelus took his wand and pointed it on the end of the last sentence in the book that says 'pegasus will come to you and take you to the top of the mountain' and said, "Revelio Secritio."

Couple of letters started to appear, splicing themselves to the last sentence, 'but not without a melody that can pleasure their ears. Not without right harmony and rythym. Not without a sign that makes them sure that you don't have an intention to harm them. Not without playing an instrument.'

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