𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙 𝕤𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕠𝕝

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My next calss was gym class, but fisrrt i ad lanch. But even firster, i wanted to read my letter from coaxxh z . i was gona, but then my lesbian friend jordan came up to me.

"Hey nick fanfic suckdick tick click chicflik. Lets go eat hamburger." so i went with jordan to eat hamberger since she is my only frined. Actually i gues daistys my friend too, bu t i dont liek her boyfriedn and she might be my cousin so idk if hse doucldnts. Coutns i meant.v I went to lacnh with jordan and weate a hamberge. We sat at a table with these otehr girls named "gay golf" "Ho in one" "Birdies are Bi" and "Janice". Jancie seemed akinda weird and she was eawring a shirt that said "forefer 21" and i didnt get irt.

"Hey my gellow lesbian, whos the new person you brought to the table they arent visbibley a golfer or gays so i gota ask" said gay golf.

"Oh thins is Nick 'Watergate' Carraway. He lives in a shed and has homosexual tendancies. I think if he was a song from the album Lines vines and rtrying times by the jonas brothers hed be "black keys" soft but beautfil and sung by nick jonas" said jordan lesbiably

"Shit wait hyou brought nick jonas to the table" said ho in one"

"No nick carraway youu motehr fcuker. Bnick jonas has diabetes whcih is ok by me but i think hed have to weat at the no nut tabel" said birdies are bi

"No oyu fool youre thinking of a penut alergy" said ho in one

"Oh my god youre wright. Sorry nick jpnas that you cant eat pnuts" said birdies are bi

"No nick gonas has daibetes but he woudlnt have to dsit at the no nut tabnle" said gay golf

"Ok so i know nick jonas has diabetes can we stop that part now. Anyyways hi im new here. I think that you guys hsould tell me who the most popular people in the school are." nick carroway black keyed.

"Yea ok nick jonas. So . theres this bitch named diasu. Shes acts real sweet but wehn you get to know her shes a realll btich. Shes dating theis super powerful racist named tom abd he is basically in cahrge of the school since he is respected by all the otehr racists, and feared by all the people who are not raicst since he carries a bottle of vshampoo verywhere and if you tell him racism is bad he just starts washing his hair. No one realy knows why. I dot knwo if he only washes his hair when poeple say hes raicst or nif he washeds it oter times too so dont ask" said gay golf in a voice of a gay golfer.

"Oh shes right they are the mother fukcing Fox and Falco of this final destinatio n of a school. Otehr than tat here are the other cliques. Gay Goflers is led by joradn backer and includse Gay Golf, Ho in One, Birdies are Bi, and Janice. Party Bitches Who Dont KNow How TO Move On: Jay Gatsby is their leader, and um bsaiclly if you go to this school you get a syndicate of that group and youre part of it. Ok next, the guy who thinks cars are sexy: Carfcker Wilson i think is his name. You know myrtles boyfirned. Alos yea the scenes and emos are mystrl wilson, dirt, piss kink, and milo minderbinder. He is alos in the acconting cliqew whcih ddoesnt exist yet but i was thinkign you and him could bie it since you have a fetish for the lines that are squily on it." said ho i n one in the exact sae way that antony gave caesar's funeral speech.

"Oh ok. Thanks" Niick said in the same way as nick usually ays thanks. The lucn h bell ringly dinglyiesd and nick went to his gym class.

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