Brown Skin III-(Skills)

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As soon as the waves died down, I slowly pulled my fingers out of her and dipped my tongue through her folds and into her opening, greedy for every last drop. She gasped, still holding tightly to my head. She was so sensitive now. I carefully caressed her with my mouth, drinking in her essence.

Then I sat back, licking my fingers.“Let me taste,” she purred, releasing my hair. I stood and offered her my fingers. As she stared lustfully into my eyes, she took my middle finger into her mouth as if she were giving the most amazing blowjob. It was almost enough to give me penis envy.

“Mmmm, you’re right,” she moaned, slowly releasing my finger and going for another one. She cleaned it off, never breaking eye contact, then crooned, “I wonder if you taste just as good.”

“Why don’t you find out?” I asked with a mischievous grin. I leaned forward and kissed her passionately, wrapping my arms around her neck. She slid one hand around my waist and reached between my legs with the other. She moaned when she felt my soaked thong. She didn’t hesitate to push it aside, her fingers hastily diving into my wetness. I cried out into her mouth, so needy for an orgasm after my prolonged, intense state of arousal.

I loved her urgency. It made me want to pull her to the floor and fuck her all over again. Her long, slender fingers slid into my opening, and her palm rubbed against my clit. I unconsciously raised my leg and rested my foot against the door behind her to give her easier access. I pressed my body against hers, feeling the curves of her round breasts and pert nipples through my clothing. I wanted so much to be naked, aching for every possible square inch of skin-on-skin contact.

She pressed her fingers further into my dripping cunt and increased her speed, rubbing hard against my clit. I broke our kiss, arched my body, and tilted my head back, crying out, “Oh my god…yes…fuck!” My moans were getting loud, and I was edging already, completely at the mercy of her nimble fingers. I steadied myself as best I could, feeling my thighs begin to tremble. “Oh, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” I cried.

“Yes, cum for me,” she responded, that sultry accent peeking through. “I want your orgasm.” With one final cry, I descended into orgasmic bliss. Wave after wave milked her fingers, and I held her as she continued to stroke my pussy. “Wow,” she breathed. “That felt exquisite.”

I chuckled breathlessly. “Oh, I promise you, it felt better on my end,” I said, trying to collect myself. She slowly moved her hand through my slit a final time before raising her fingers to her lips. She sucked them clean and moaned, slowly drawing them out of her mouth.

“Mmmm, you taste wonderful,” she said.

I captured her mouth with mine again, tasting myself on her tongue. I began to wonder if she’d agree to come home with me, then I realized I didn’t even know her name. Then my phone started to vibrate and play my favourite Rihanna song, startling me and jerking me out of my thoughts. I contemplated ignoring it, then she broke the kiss.

“Shouldn’t you get that?” she asked. I sighed, reached into a zippered compartment on my right boot, and pulled out the device, checking the name on the caller ID. It was Chyna. I stepped back and slid my finger across the screen to answer.

“Kinda busy,” I said. I eyed my companion and watched her fix and straighten her dress. Dammit, I thought. Fun’s over.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Where did you go?” Chyna yelled over the music.

“I’m kind of in the middle of something. What’s up?” I asked.

“Oooooh, I want details later!” She answered, knowing me all too well. My companion clearly heard that and smiled awkwardly.

“I’m going home with Abdul. Is that okay?” she asked.

“Of course, babe. Have fun,” I replied. She squealed into the phone and hung up. I chuckled, half embarrassed and half amused by my friend.

“I should go,” the vixen said.

“Wait,” I implored. I stepped up to her and touched her chin, tenderly kissing her lips. Then I gazed at her and asked, “Will you stay? Or better yet, come back to my place for a while?”

“I can’t. I’m sorry,” she answered.

Dejected, I sighed and gave her a half smile, stepping back to give her a little space. “Okay, fair enough. But at least tell me your name,” I said.

She laughed and replied, “It’s India

“I’m Erica,” I said. “Where are you from, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“Jamaican, based in Portugal,” she replied. “I’m here for a few weeks on business.”

“Wow,” I said. “What are the odds I’ll see you again?”

She smiled. “I don’t know, but I really enjoyed this,” she said. “Thank you.”

“The pleasure’s all mine,” I replied.

She stepped back and turned, opening the door. Just like that, she was gone. I took a deep breath to compose myself, then spied her thong on the floor. I picked it up and whistled, contemplating using this as an excuse to go after her. But I decided against it, thinking it might embarrass her or give her plenty of unwanted attention if I handed her her underwear in a crowded bar, even if I tried to do so discreetly. Then a selfish thought crossed my mind, and I tucked the delicate lingerie into my booties. In the morning, bleary eyed and hung over, it would be nice to have concrete proof that this wasn’t a steamy dream.

I closed my eyes, took a few more deep breaths for good measure, then opened the door and headed back into the bar, a tiny, wicked smile on my face. I made my way through the crowd and into the brisk night air. I looked around for Chyna, but she was gone. Hottest Jamaican on the planet, I thought. I chuckled to myself and spotted a taxi across the street. As I climbed in and the cab headed for my apartment, I closed my eyes and leaned my head against the seat, still tasting her on my tongue.

A/N- I know I've been missing in action but I've been busy plus I was nursing an injury. But I hope you liked part 3 even though it's not that long.

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