Questions Is.....

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There was an uncomfortable silence when they entered Cyn's home.It was all very odd, like a silent dance they were doing. They were going through the motions like normal people, but they weren't just normal people....they meant more to each other than that .

They stood looking at each other,Both parties trying to read the others expression looking for answers of what to do next but still not saying nothing (but weirdly them not saying nothing meant everything) all the emotions; Passion, hurt, apologies and love all experience at once which cause them to stay frozen in that moment for some time.

Moments like this felt like an eternity but it was needed. They both needed understanding of the current situation that had occurred recently,Documenting mentality the events that led to this very moment and what that meant for them from now on. Both in sync with each other but it was Cyn that broke the silence first.


"Umm Erica let me take your coat"

"Thanks (handing cyn her coat).....errr where should I put my shoes?"

"Just put them underneath the table next to the cloak room"

Erica did what she was told.... placing her shoes neatly underneath the small table

"Do you need some slippers"?

"No...I'm good,besides I have on socks. I love your house by the way it suits you" (looking around)

"Ohh ok. Thanks I love having my own space. I can show you around if you like"
(not sure if that's a good idea or not,given our history)

" Mabey later" (Of course I want to see her humble abode, but I'm anxious and frankly I'm not really sure why she feels so comfortable)

"I want to eat first" (smiling as I wink at Cyn)

"Coughing......ermm Sure! Do you want me to.... Ahh... warm you up?

"What"? (Did she really just say that)

Huh? Wh-at no wait I-I meant your food, do you want me to warm up your food" (how embarrassing cyn)

" It  doesn't need to be warmed"

"Why? What'd you get anyway"?

"Bento box from Nobu. Basically sushi"

"oh ok.....Well you can wait for me in the living room or wait while I warm my food up then we can eat together"

"I'll wait until you warm up your food, I don't want to sit in there on my own"







When I finished warming up my food,we went to the couch to talk some more, Erica looked a bit nervous at this point (something I knew she only felt when she wasn't in control. I like this side of her.....The I'll listen and you talk side of her). It was moments like this that I missed the most, just us-two talking about any and everything with no distractions . And although we needed to talk about what happens in the club and her following me it just wasn't the right time to bring any of that up.

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