Chapter 1: Nothing's Special (GLIMPSE)

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"You wanna leave!? Then leave! We don't need you here. I can support Minhyuk and Dahyun's tuition anyways. You're free to do what you want...Just leave us alone and don't disturb us ever again!"
My moms voice cracks as she hold on her tears trying to look strong in front of us.

   As if a signal,my dad suddenly grabs his things which seems to be ready since then.

"Yeah sure! I've been planning to file a divorce, so good for me to know that you want it too. Aisssh I'm so done with you! You're annoying!" Dad had finally spoken which broke my heart.

I can see my brother struggling to stop my father but all he did was to swat my brothers hands away.

While me?...

Standing in the corner, not able to process what had happen to my said "almost perfect family".

I can hear sobs and weeping everywhere...
My older brother had cried my fathers name a thousand times but he didn't care, he still continued walking out like he never heard any.
My mother was trying to comfort oppa but I know that will never be enough.

I need to do something.
I run outside the house,
I run to the garden,
I run as fast as I could hoping to see his car.
But no,there's nothing in there.
The streets were clear and there's no sign of him.

That's when I realized my ever dearest and respected father just left us behind.

I was shocked of what just happened. I don't know how to do nor where to go. If I go back to our house, I will just pity myself even more.

I forced myself not to cry.
I had bit my lower lip several times.
I felt a little nauseous just by the scent of the cars smoke that added up to my frustration.

I had done my best to stand but I know I'm not doing well.
As I started crossing the street towards our house, I can feel like the world is spinning all over.
I suddenly regretted trying to catch my father.

I looked straight to our house and saw my only friend smiling. He's smile just erased my negative thoughts away.

But when I tried walking faster he stared at me in horror and fear. I don't know why he suddenly screamed my name out.

My brows met but I still gave him a reassuring smile.

He's like mumbling something I can't hear.

He said,"Stop! Please Stop! Hajima!"

I finally understand what he's mumbling, I followed his gaze only to realize the real reason why he said those words.
He's not afraid of me.
He's warning me.

Too late, I already found myself lying on the ground with blood scattering all over. I can feel a terrible pain on my right part of the body. As my vision got blurry,I still managed to hold my head and there I started crying as I saw my own blood rushing out of it.

I heard a loud thud running towards me, he knelt down and I realize who it was.

It's him.
Wearing the pin that I gave yesterday.
Eyes teary
Lips trembling
Body Shaking
Not able to process what's happening.

I gave him my last smile as my whole vision blacked out.

I gasped.
A nightmare? But it's still noon?
How weird is that?


"Ouch! How dare you to throw something on me!?" I stood high and rolled my eyes on them not able to realize to whom I'm talking about.
I just received a piece of chalk thrown on my head.

"You Miss Kim Dahyun!
How dare you to talk to me like that!?"

I glance in front where the voice came from.
My eyes nearly popped out when I realized that it's our Algebra professor.

"How dare you to have a nap in my class!?
Are you blind?
This is a classroom not a hotel.
Are you deaf?
I've been calling you numerous times but you're just ignoring it!
How dare you Miss Dahyun!?
How dare you!?" Her eyes are firing like it's ready to burn anyone to ashes.

Uhhhh Ohhh...
How can I escape this?
Think Dahyun! Think!
Brain please help me just this once!

"Uhmm Mianhaeyo Lee Seongsaengnim (I'm sorry Miss or a kind of respect for a teacher), I haven't thought I've fallen asleep.
But it's nice to have you again Miss. You know~uhmmm...Your subject is one of my favorite. You're an inspiration to me. Math is the best!" I said while crossing my fingers hoping she'll buy my excuse.

She look at me from head to toe then spoke.

"Well you haven't change Miss Kang, you're the same little fibber I knew." She said smiling suspiciously

I faked a laugh and smile widely at her. Finally I'm done! Yes! Whooo!

"Oh Wait! You love Math right?" She then said


"Then I think you'll be more than  pleasured  to answer this. Now come! Show us your skills."
She said showing an algebraic expression written on the white board.

Aissshhh I hate this!
I don't want to...but I should!

Poor me to suffer all of this.

"Go Dahyun!"
"Dahyun jjang!(is the best)"
"You can do it!"
"Show us your skills!"
"You're a real genius!" My classmates cheered for me.

Now you've made it even worse.
              (Wanna Die!?)


Hurry up to Chapter 2 coz this one is a trash.😂

Love y'all!💜
Saranghaeyo Chinguyah~😍
Chingu jjang!👏
만나서 반갑습니다!😁


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