Chapter 8: Trolling Around (Part I)

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CHAPTER 8: Trolling Around

I woke-up after the 7th ring of my alarm clock. I got 10 alarms everyday so it's a rare thing I immediately got up of my bed without the 3 remaining alarms ringing.

Time Check: 5:13

I have 47 minutes more to prepare for school.

It's Friday so I have to be in a PE Uniform.
I hate PE though I have an athletic skill and if I haven't told you yet, I'm good in playing Volleyball.
Yes,you read it right.

After a quick shower, I put my PE uniform inside my backpack then I ran downstairs. As I arrived in the dining table I saw empty bowls and a bowl full of cereals. Probably for me. I tried to ask the helpers where Minhyuk oppa is but they said he left the house already a minutes ago because he got plenty of things to do in school.

I understand him.
Being a transfer student is no good especially for a college student like him. Its just a little bit hard to catch-up the lessons and to acquire all the school's requirements. But of all people,I know he can be the best student. He got hard work and patience, intelligence and manners.
He got it all.
My idiot and immature brother got it all. *O*

And I'm proud to have a brother like him.

"Dahyun-ssi it's quarter to six now. We gotta go." Mr. Song our family driver said as he tapped my shoulder lightly.

I hurriedly finished my bowl of cereals and was about to wash it in the sink when Mrs. Jang stopped me.

"Go ahead now Dahyun-ssi,we can handle." I smiled and thanked her.


I bid my goodbyes to Mr. Song then I entered the gate. There's no much students as I think I was too early. It's 6:45 and the class will start at 8 AM so...yeah I think I'm alone.

The school is quiet and peaceful so I decided to take myself in a tour for me to familiarize the new environment I'm having. I could say this school is a lot more bigger than my old school. There is much new facilities in here,the classrooms is highly ventilated,the gymnasium is large enough to held school activities and even the school grounds and canteen is perfect.

There are still no students so I just enter my classroom and took a seat near the door. I'll just move back to my own seat when the seat's owner arrive.

I put my backpack to the desk and slump. I was about to have a quick nap when I remembered my mom.

How is she in Jeju?
Is she doing good?
Did she missed us?
Is she having a trouble to find another job?

I missed her so much.

"Wahhhh! Why did we have to come back here again!? Why do we have to suffer all of these!? Why Universe? Waeyo!? Eotokke!? I bursted out kicking the nearest chair.
The chair flew a meter away while I was holding my feet. Gosh! That hurts.

"Stupid." A big manly voice said from the back.
His voice echoed around the classroom.

〣( ºΔº )〣
I froze.
Eyes widen in shock and fear.

A ghost?

I'm sure I haven't seen any student entering this classroom rather than me.

Oh! I gotta erase the one I said earlier. This school is not perfect.
It should be creepy,mysterious and full of paranormal things.

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