Chapter 1: Was it a dream

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                                                   Chapter 1: Was it a dream

{Recap- I was walking down the hallway and there was no where to go all I could do was let them take me and that's just what happened}

    I awoke from yet the same dream that I have had for the last few nights, but maybe it wasn't a dream.       

Days and nights of that same dream, coming when I'm sleeping and the visions when I'm awake. Kaitlyn, my best friend, has been having the same dream, but in a different place, hers was when we where at school, which is where we are now. We are in last class, well advisory waiting for the final bell to ring.

When the bell rang, both of us quickly grabbed our stuff and headed to my house to study for mid-terms. "Wanna take a shortcut?" Kaitlyn asked me "Sure," I said and we started to walk down an alleyway that apparently was her shortcut.

All of a sudden it got dark, and we moved closer to each other. "Hello girls," we heard a thick British accent say, then I thought, this seems familiar, maybe to familiar.....    

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