Chapter 6: The Vision

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                                                Emma's PoV

I woke up to whispering and a slight movement from the end of the bed. Opening my eyes I started to see Kaitlyn sitting cross-legged at the foot of the bed. I sat up and stretched seeing Louis laying in the bed that I had just been laying in.

Then Kaitlyn said "Well good morning sleepy head," then I heard the door open and the rest of the boys walked in. "Lets go you two get up and get ready," Liam said "Why?" Kaitlyn asked. "We get to go shopping!" Harry yelled and then Louis shot up in bed yelling "Shopping!"

After Kaitlyn and I get up and got ready we went down to the parking garage. Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall, and Zayn were all in the car already when Kaitlyn and I both reached for the door handles.

But when I touched the door handle a vision like thing came to my mind, it was of the car blowing up. Then I thought, my vision or dream was right about people kidnapping me so maybe this one is right to....

AN: Sorry its really short, but all of us have been really busy with school and other stuff. We are hoping to start making longer chapters and update more often, but its hard with our schedules.

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