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True love waits.

The famous quote said by many people. Yes its true, its true that true love waits. Cause if you are willing to love a person, you are also willing to wait. Wait for the time to come, til' both of you will realize the passion of love. Wait for the right time til' your hearts do your part and wait for the time until you found yourself and until you found your path.

Waiting is a sign of true love. Cause many people can say words such as 'i love you' 'i miss you' and 'i like you'.. But, they can't wait for the time to prove it right.

Most of the people just give up on love. Why? Is it just because they're tired of trying? Maybe, because we sometimes quit trying because we are tired of everything. We are tired to try giving efforts because we know
that our efforts are not appreciated by that person. Thus, that person can't love us back.

It hurts. That feeling hurts you badly,enough to make you weak and hopeless. But, that is a challenge in life that tests your pride and how much you love that person. It tests you on how much strength you have to fight and how much patience you have to prove on how much you love that person, and it is a lesson that teaches you to be strong and to be generous. It teaches you to wait and it teaches you to manage your time for everything. But, that feeling still hurts, when a person doesn't appreciate you being you, and when a person doesn't loves you in return, although we learn from them, that feeling is still embeeded in our own hearts.

But, even if it hurts, you need to understand that you need to wait because it is a sign of maturity. You need to understand for the sake of that person and for you.

Don't ever try to give up on one
thing even if its giving you a hard time that it makes you suffer. Because for me, when you really love that person, you'll be willing to wait no matter how hard the consequences will be.



Suddenly thought of this short something. Btw, this is what im feeling right now thats why i wrote it. bevymaco ano?! Hahaha!! ^-^ ^-^


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