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They leave.
They leave because im not worth fighting for.
They leave because they want me to wonder things that ive done wrong.
They leave because they want me to be perfect but I cant.
They leave because im annoying.
They leave because im not strong enough.
They leave because they dont deserve me.
They leave because im not fun to be with.
They leave then i cry for such nights wondering why ive been such a fool.
They leave.
They leave me when things get rough.
They leave when i first helped them.
They leave when im the only one who understand them.
They leave when im the only one who cares about them.
They leave while im silently hoping and praying for them.

They leave without knowing that
I died for them.

Leaving someone doesnt make any sense. 'Cause you dont know that they are silently praying and helping you in things that you can never imagine.


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