Sock Em Cactus

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It had become absolute chaos.

In the wake of Greymon's escape with Night and jumping down to the city below, soldiers were running left and right, activating tanks, and gathering weapons.

It had become so chaotic, that the guards had actually left Leon, Elna, and Prompto completely unguarded.

"You know, I find it nice that we're both pistol users." said Prompto as Elna used a lock pick to fiddle with the door of the room they were locked in. "Gives us.. a connection you know?"

"You wanna be helpful? Then stop flirting." said Elna as the lock clicked open.

"Yeah, besides man, you know Elna prefers twin pistols, but her real skill is in-" Leon began.

"A far more barbaric weapon I'd rather not get into.." said Elna. "Could you pleas not mention that?"

As she opened the door slowly, Prompto drew out his own twin pistols, as Leon whipped out his gun blade.

Elna drew twin pistols of her own and the trio headed out into what looked like a ginormous entrance hall of the palace.

It was completely empty. Strange.

"Okay, be careful everyone." said Leon. "I'm going up to find Night, you two just see if you can find the Regalia."

"No, Night comes first, we're coming with you." said Prompto.

"Yeah." said Elna.

"Going with him? Going with him where? To Hell?"

"Aye Aye.. To Hell, To Hell!"

The voices echoed through the hall, and a figure stepped out of the shadows.

She was a girl with shoulder length light green hair, with long straight cut bangs that were swept to the side to reveal her left emerald green eye.

She wore leather combat clothing, and held a large scythe with an emerald blade. Clinging to her shoulder, was a strange plant-like creature.

The plant-like creature had large eyes and a wide mouth, and two arms that were leaf shaped with claws.  It had short stubby legs, green chlorophyll skin, and a large flower on it's head.

"We told everybody to go on.. because we said we were perfectly able to guard the prisoners.. isn't that right Palamon?" said the girl, tilting her head to the side. Her expression, calm, cold, and emotionless.

"Aye, Aye, Chlora-senpai!" said Palamon, waving a clawed hand. "Perfectly able, Perfectly manageable."

"But then, you all decided to go past that door.. oh no.. not good." said Chlora, tilting her body back gracefully, putting her wrist to her forehead, as if she were going to faint, her scythe twirling in her other hand.

"Aye Aye.." said Palamon, jumping to the floor and going into the same graceful pose as Chlora. "Uh oh, terrible news, very bad!"

"Who are they?" Leon said, looking weirded out.

"That girl is CUTE!" said Prompto. "oh my gosh! She's got that whole Cool Beauty thing going for her! See? Not even a twitch on her lips!! She probably NEVER smiles!"

"That's hot!?" said Elna staring at Prompto.

"It's hot because when she finally DOES smile, a guy can go like.. WHAT THE HECK! THAT'S CUTE! And all!" said Prompto.

"That boy is a perverted otaku." said Chlora, getting into another elegant pose, her expression still unchanged. "We should kill him.. and those two."

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