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"Ugghhhh.. how long..?" Prompto moaned, his head leaning against the back of Night's seat. "How long have we been driving?"

"10 hours." said Leon with a groan. "Listen man, don't complain, you're not the one whose been driving.. "

"Why.. why do we have to drive so long?" moaned Night as Agumon rolled around in her lap.

Everybody was sticky with sweat, hungry, and tired. The sun blazed overhead as the desert blazed around.

"Like I said before. "said Leon. "The current goal is to find a good place to recuperate miles away from Eios, but close enough to Eios where we can go back any time.. but because of the blockades we had to take the long way around.. we'll stop at the next rest point.. find a motel maybe."

"Please let that be soon." Agumon groaned.

"Aye Aye.." Palamon moaned weakly. "I'm wilting.. please."

"Palamon is a plant after all." said Chlora. "She needs hydration."

"And we just went through our last bottle of water." said Prompto. "Wonderful.."

"Awwwwwww..." Agumon and Palamon groaned, and Night patted her friend on the head. "It's alright.. we'll be there before you-"

"Hey we're here." said Leon suddenly.

"THANK THE GODS!!!" roared everyone as the Regalia drove into a large parking lot that had a sign labeled "Iceberg Zoo."

"What is this place?" Night muttered as everyone piled out of the car.

There was a large fancy looking hotel standing next to a giant entrance going into what appeared to be a forest made of pure icicles.. trees with frozen branches.. heaps of snow..

"H-how?" Night said. "How is it not melting in this heat!?"

"Ice magic.. " said Leon. "There's an elemental reservoir of natural magic energy drawing from under the park, I've heard of it... man I've always wanted to go.. guess we have a chance now."

"Not sure about that bro." said Prompto. "We've barely got enough money for food, much less admission tickets."

"Halt! What's your business here?"

The voice had come from a strange creature. It was about the size of a dog, with a plump body and a yellow stomach and clawed feet. There was an odd symbol on it's belly, and the rest of it's body was covered in ice blue fur with dark blue stripes. It had large eyes and sharp teeth in a short canine snout. There was a horn coming out of it's head.. and it had two furry arms, with two arm shaped flaps draped behind it, as if it's fur were actually some sort of pajama suit.

 and it had two furry arms, with two arm shaped flaps draped behind it, as if it's fur were actually some sort of pajama suit

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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