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I'm usually not an outsider person, I really enjoy my bed and my books in my own comfort zone. Today in particular I was forced by my best-est friend  to go out and do something different; even thought I hated it she convinced me to make a difference in my life and stop doing the regular routine of going to work, coming home and sleeping.I'm convinced; we are getting ready to go out get a dinner and see where our night takes us even though I'm still think of a plan to ditch her and stay home, I also realize its too late because I wasted my favorite foundation for this. I may be a introvert but I love my fashion and make up, so into those things and would do anything to get more and try new things.

Me and Isla are ready and are now looking for clothing to wear, Isla being Isla wearing something open and that takes attention, me being me I wear jeans, a cute crop top and a leather jacket, cute but classy.  While Isla was bitching at me for not wearing a dress I started the car getting us ready to go to the Grannies Dinner place. Once we get to our desks we both ordered our food, I ordered a Mac and Cheese while Isla ordered Hamburger and Fries. While silently eating our food I thought about how this isn't that bad, I can do this once in a while; not too crazy at all. I was eating my food while Isla just went crazy over this guy that was two tables away from us. 

"Do you not see him?" Isla exclaimed

"I do see him Isla, but he isn't my type" I said back to her trying to make her calm down about him.

" But girl!!! Wish I had the guts to go speak with him" She reclaimed 

" You do have the guts, but I know where this is going" I told her

"Where is this going?" Isla asked like she didn't know what I was exactly talking about. 

" You are trying to add some spice into this dinner because you think it is boring" 

" And how am I trying to add spice to it?" This girl is very very dumb for acting dumb

" You are trying to get me to talk to him for you so you" I said giving her the look of how stupid can you be?

" Okay you got me, but can you do it pleasee" she pleaded and this daring sensation came over me so I just stood up and just went for the kill.

He wasn't alone he had a friend with him which made this more terrifying the closer I got to them, then realized how stupid could I be to take this dare, how dumb could I be to be doing this when I could be at my home right now reading, watching my favorite show "Once Upon A Time".

"Hi..." I blurted out out of the blue 

"Hello, how can I help?" He addressed

"Um.... my friend over there thinks you are cute and she wants your number so it would mean a lot if you could just write your name and number on a piece of napkin please". I explained

"Yeah sure, hold on a sec" he laughed 

Once I got the  napkin I just left without even saying goodbye, because realizing how awkward this was I didn't wanted it to be more awkward. I walked back to my table gave Isla back the napkin and just started eating my food when I looked up I saw Isla looking at me another way which made me question what else she could have on her mind for this night, because for me this was the limit and I was not planing on doing anything else. 

" I have a plan after this food" Isla announced

" I think this was enough I'm planing of going home" I informed her hoping she would get it. 

"No its nothing crazy we are just going to go on a walk, I promise nothing crazy!" She exclaimed like I didn't know she was hiding something.

We finished, she insisted that we go on a walk around here and I couldn't possibly  say no cause I know there was no way of getting out of this at this point so I just followed her out of the restaurant. We walked what seemed like hours my feet were bleeding from the walking we did,but Isla did not seem to be effected even one bit which was the weird part.

We were still walking and my feet were hurting so much that I couldn't possibly walk properly, I was just wobbling around cause of the feet pain I was getting. Out of the blue I just ran into this blondie that did not seemed effected that I even ran into him. 

"I'm so sorry I did not mean to run into you" I specified wishing that he isn't an asshole and would just say its fine and move on then make a huge deal about how I bumped into him. He turned around so slowly it felt like it was a love story where the lover turns slowly to say something and they smile etc. but then realized what I was thinking I just wanted to run away and never be seen by someone ever again. What felt like fifteen minutes he finally turned around and we made a eye contact. He had beautiful blue eyes something I have never seen before. Skin so white that looked like it was made out of snow so fragile so soft. I again lost my self on his beautiful features that I could not think about anything else.

"It's fine don't worry about it" He said so calmly yet so sweetly I lost myself again and again. Just as I was repeating his words over and over in my mind he left just like that without  even saying a word again.

"Girl, are you okay?" Isla chuckled

"Yeah I am lets go" I said and we went back on our journey, that I later found out was a long ice cream walk which sounded so stupid. 

" You know I could of brought the car here" I told her

"I needed to lose the weight I just gained at Grannies chill man" 

"Could of told me; my feet are killing me" I snapped back 

"Chilly man"She snapped back

Anyways we got our ice creams, walked back to my car, then drove back to my house again.The whole time I couldn't get the blue eyed man out of my mind I don't know why. Felt like he was still around me. We got home cleaned our selves up got into bed and just as I was about to go to sleep I heard Isla again.

"I have a question" 

"What do you want now Isla"

"The man you bumped into"

"Yeah what about him?" 

"You seemed really affected by him"

"Um.. what are you talking about"

" Your eyes they look weird ever since that bump"


"I'm questioning if it was love at first sight"

"It so was not"


New story, tell me what you think about it. I hope you guys enjoy this!

Mate // Niall Horan VampireDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora