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Niall's Point Of View

I was out in the woods, haven't been hunting for the longest time. I try not to hunt on people, I try to control myself; I try to be a "good vampire" as they like to call... It's not the easiest you get to tempted to just bite into their necks and drink until you suck the life out of them, until they longer can carry themselves; that's when you drop them to the ground and leave, let their body stink in the woods. In some cases hunter for animals or people that like the nature and go on walks find them, the police comes takes them away and they get identified and their families are sad but happy they have a grave to cry on and in some cases they rot and rot and rot until a wild animal finds them and they are broken into pieces for meals. Two different things in both they still don't live the life they deserve cause a monster like me sucked on them for our lives. I don't know which can be supported more if human were to find out about it I'm pretty sure they will choose their fellow humans and hunt us down. Or we hunt them down. A few weeks ago I made that mistake, took a humans life I've been battling with this for the past 350 years and still cannot find a solutions completely stop, my friends in the other cause are find they found their mates expect Harry obviously he makes  girls think he cares for them then just drain them in their bed and leave, sounds better than what I do. I try to close connection with human, do not talk to any one them, why would I ? Liam and Louis go on hunts on animals instead of humans, which sounds better but at least once a year you need a human blood you need it to keep you going to keep you alive; in that case I killed 350 people. Either way you kill a living thing, either was you are an monster. 

Today in general I was tired of hiding I needed to see humans, I needed to remind myself I could live around these humans, I can go back to the old days ... Convincing yourself that is way harder then it seems, the moment I stepped out of the woods, I moment my nose smelled human blood, the moment my tongue remembered the feel of warm liquid in my mouth I lost my track,I lost my thought process. Everything I told myself I won't become I was becoming every second passing moment, fangs coming out, eyes turning red the evil inside me screaming  "ALL, SUCK THEM DRY" the monster I tried to hide coming out, next thing I know is I'm right behind this girl following her until I find a dark spot to catch her, suck the living life out of her. I try to stop, I try to turn back to the good person I am, was, want to become. Nothing is helping I can't stop I can't. TURN AROUND AND STOP I scream, but I don't listen to my own words, I can't stop myself how can this innocent girl stop me? I don't know but right now I'm wishing for a miracle, she is the only one I see the only I care about , her blood smelling so beautiful, the taste, the warmth, I'm running I'm impatient. The miracle I was waiting for happens someone bumps into me, it's a girl.

"I'm so sorry I did not mean to run into you" she quickly explains, her voice like an angels voice, so soft , so cute I don't even have the guts to look up to her for her to see what kind of an monster I am, I don't want to think what she will think of me once she finds out who I am and what I was after. That moment I realized I don't have the urge to leave this girl I want to stand here and talk to her for hours just hearing her voice is enough, no thought of pushing her up against the wall to kill her. I need to see her face, I need to know who she is what she is doing at this time of the night. I slowly turn around scared of her reaction. The moment I turn I look straight into her eyes and I am struct with "MATE" she is my mate she is the one for me.

She is a human and I have been waiting for her for 350 years. The reality hits, it won't work out I cannot be with my mate she won't ever accept me, ever love me like I love her. " It's fine don't worry about it" I say quickly for her to not feel awkward and when I looked at her face I saw an expression I couldn't read so I left without thinking left her there, turned my back and walked away. The first right turn I find I take it, and stop look back to see her standing there still talking to her friend about how tired she is oh how I wish I could just take her into my arms and take her home. At this point I forgot about hunting, all I care is for her to be safe until she's home so I follow her to this ice cream shop with her friend where she still is complaining about her feet; my poor love. She gets out and her and her friend Isla walk back to her car I assume and drive away. I'm running keeping up with her every single conversation, her love for ice cream and it wasn't necessary for her to walk this long for it. And every second I am walking head over heals over and over and over. I never knew what it was like to have a mate, never came to me that she would change me in a second like that. All I care about now is to be enough for her love, even if it means to die re born grow 20 years fast and be still with her. I just want to touch her, hold her in my arms, let her sleep soundlessly,make sure she feels safe. These are gonna take a long time to come together but I'll wait I'll wait another 350 years to be with her if that's what it is, I won't leave her bedroom window just sit here and watch her sleep every night and wake up every morning.

Mate // Niall Horan VampireDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora