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Niall's Point Of View

All I've ever been thinking about is Luna. Her green eyes, light brown hair that goes perfectly with her skin that is slightly tanned cause of the sun. I just can't seem to concentrate on anything else but her. The way she smiled today, the way she rolled her eyes because her friend forced her to help us. Everything she does is so beautiful even her being mad.

I'm outside her window on a tree branch waiting till the sun goes up and another normal human life starts for her while I'm here watching her life as a movie with my eternal life knowing hers will end one day and I will still be here outside her window waiting.. My thoughts are broken by a sound of a tree branch, and I'm up looking for danger my mind is running millions of scenarios and how I'm going to save Luna if there were to be a problem. I'm waiting with my fangs out ready to attack who ever it is here to hurt my baby.  I see a shadow I smell a weird scent, a scent I don't know. Just as the person walks out behind the tree I attack it. We tumble down to the ground making a huge sound and I hear "ITS ME HARRY LET GO" from the familiar English accent that I hear everyday. As I am about to answer the lights of Luna's room open she's walking around the room. Just as she's about to look out the window where I am visible I get pushed behind the closest tree.

"Are you crazy do you want her to see you?" Harry hisses
"Yes" I simply reply
"Look... I understand new feelings, don't know how to manage, I understand you want to be with her.... But...... You can't!" He says sadly
"Why?" I reply my voice broken because I know he's telling the truth.
"You know why.... She's a human, she's going to die someday. You can't attach yourself to her this much. She won't understand our world. We are forbidden for her, we aren't real in her world just a myth"
"Harry..." I try
"You also need to hunt, you are so weak from not hunting for weeks now just watching her. I remind you she's a human the more you don't hunt the harder it's gonna be for you to not hurt her." He adds
I look up her side table lamp is open she probably can't sleep because of me. It makes me feel worse and worse that she can't sleep because of me. 
"What if she's scared because of the noise I MADE? What if she's scared to go to sleep thinking it was someone trying to get in? " I ask
"Niall.... You can't change it now before she catches us we need to go before anybody sees and everything goes down hill"

I get dragged by Harry into the woods as trees now cover her house and I can't see her room anymore. Harry sits me somewhere tells me to wait and I do. Coming to sense with my body I have no energy, I'm so hungry I can eat the whole world except Luna. I can't imagine hurting her ever. As I'm lost in my thoughts of one day being able to hold her, kiss her, touch her, keep her safe... Harry comes back with two deers for me to drink from and I attack it like I've never eaten anything before.

Once I gain my strength back and my stomach is full we're back at the house where everybody is doing something, I hear welcome backs, and oh look he's alive but I push past and go up to my room. Jump on my bed and look up at the ceiling where I have pictures of her I took. I miss her already. My dead heart  is screaming to be with her but my brain reasons that it's not a good idea and I'm stuck between the two if I should go or not.

4 Hours Later

I'm in my room watching the sunset, still thinking about Luna, I wonder if she's sleeping, did she even sleep after what I did? So many questions with no answers.

That's it I get up and jump out of my window room I need to see her 4 hours is enough I can't stand any longer not seeing her. The forest is going in blur around me; I didn't know I could run this fast for someone. I reach her house, the light is still on I climb the tree branch until I'm right outside her window and when I look inside.... She's sound a sleep hugging her self, probably was scared after the noise. My poor baby. Her phone starts ringing and she doesn't budge at all to close it. I know this is weird but I push her window open a little without making a noise, I walk into her room close her alarm and pick up the phone move to the farthest side of the room and call her manager make up a lie for her not to go to work and her manager says it's fine. Before I get caught more I close the phone leave a note that's from Isla explaining everything; take a last look around her room and her... I really want to just be able to be with her but it  can't  happen so I get out from the window, close the window and leave.
Shorter than the rest of the chapters but I mean an update is an update at this point for us. Hope you enjoy lots of love xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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