Chap 01 : My new form and first battle

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After being blinded by the light, I opened my eyes.
What I saw was an old room. Inside the room, there was only a wooden table. The room was full of dust and spiderweb. The wall of the room and its roof was worn out and felt like it could crumble at any moment.

is this a giants house? The wooden table is huge. I'm not even half the height of the table's feet.
I looked around the room before I found a piece of shattered mirror and saw my new form. I was speechless. I stared at the mirror and did some funny moves. Raising my hand or paw, trying to smile, moving my tail and even jumped.

So, it's not that the furniture was big. It was me who was small.

Yep, this is my new form.
Standing at about fifteen centimeters in height with twenty-five centimeters in length.
Blazing red fur, four paws as hands and legs with retractable claws, pointy ears, fire occasionally came out from my mouth, whiskers on my face, completely black eyes, burn mark covering the right half of my face and a real attached red tail.

Yep, I am a cat. A red cat.
No, I'm really small, more like a kitten.
Being reincarnated as a cat from a human was, frankly, disappointing.
But it was better than nothing, I guess.
Being given a second life was already good enough.

As I was in a different world with a new body, first, I got to saw my status.
Since there wasn't a start or triangle button, I called status in my head and a game-like status display appeared in front of me.
My status, I wonder how strong I am.
I'm getting excited!

Name : unnamed
Species : Fire Kitten (Common)
Type : Beast
Sex : Male
Rank : 01
LV : 001/100
HP : 25/25
MP : 05/05
STM : 40/40
ATK : 3
DEF : 2
MGC : 1
MND : 2
DEX : 1
AGL : 7

Points : 3

Active Skills :
Appraise LV01

Passive Skills :                                                                                                                                                                        
Languages comprehension LV MAX                                                                                                                              
Dominate LV01                                                                                                                                                                      
Pyrokinesis LV01      

Resistance Skills :                                                                                                                                                                  
Heat Nullification LV MAX

Tittle :
Harem seeker

Why am I unnamed? I obviously had a name. My name was.....
Wait a sec, my name?
What was my name again?
This is weird, I'm sure I have one.

Wait, didn't that god said I would forget my name?
Yeah, he did, didn't he? Right before I was transferred.
And he said not to name myself, didn't he?
Why did he say that?

Well, whatever. No use thinking something I don't know the answer to.
No matter what, he was still a god. I'm sure he had plans, right?
........... Right?

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