Chapter 2 - Who was that?

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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!! Well, I know I was supposed to publish this chapter in the first week but I got busy with my internship and other stuff.(Nonsense. I was just too lazy. ) But anyways, finally the chapter is here! And I have decided what I'll be doing with the Aryaman situation (Yayy!!). But I won't tell you yet. You'll find it in the story itself. Okay now I'll stop.


The next day, Nandini reached college at her usual time. She was searching for her friends but she couldn't find anyone. She couldn't understand that where was everyone. She finally went to the Fab 5 jam room and saw some people practicing. At first she was happy, but when she looked closely, she saw that they were not her friends. She went up to them and said, 'Excuse me, who are you all and what are you doing here? My friends practice here. Who said that you can come here. Please move out.'

But instead of leaving, one of them stepped up and spoke, 'We are not going anywhere. This is a common jam room which Fab 5 used to claim as their own. But now rules have changed. Now, you have to make a booking beforehand for using this room. And for today, we have booked this room. And now, we have to practice, so will you please leave.'

Nandini was shocked to hear this. She asked,'What? Who has made this rule?'

Before any of them could answer, she heard someone say 'I made it.' She turned towards its source and saw Madhyam, aka Maddy, leaning against a wall, smirking as he added,'And as the college President, I have all the rights to do so.' This guy seriously left no opportunity to rub it in her face that he was the President and she wasn't.

He moved away from the wall and walked up to her, the smirk still in its place. Oh, how she wished to wipe that smirk off his face. He stood infront of her and said, 'So now, go and find your loser friends somewhere else. They may be hiding somewhere because I just kicked them out of this room.'

Nandini was shocked to listen to this. She could only manage to ask, 'You did what?'

Madhyam chuckled and said. 'Seems like Miss I-am-too-good-for-you's got trouble understanding things at the first time. No problem. I'll repeat myself again, you pay attention and listen carefully. I kicked your friends out of this room.' He declared it proudly.

By this time Nandini was very furious. She felt like slapping him, no, better still, punching him in the face. She shouted at him, 'How dare you do that! You have problems with me, right? So deal with me. Don't trouble my friends. Leave them alone.'

Before she could say anything else, Madhyam interrupted her saying, 'Oh hello, hello, hello. Hold on. Don't give yourself too much importance. I haven't done this because of you. I did this because I see that a certain group of students here are being given undue advantage over the others. All the students should be given the chance to practice here. And its not that your friends are not allowed here. If they book the room for the day, they can practice here.'

Nandini simply waved it off saying, 'Cut the crap. I know very well why you have done this. You....' She was cut off by her phone ringing. She took out her phone and looked at it. 'Unknown number' was flashing on her screen. Annoyed she cut the call and turned back to Madhyam. But before she could even open her mouth, her phone rang again. This time without even looking at it, she swirched it off. When she looked back at Madhyam, he was looking quite amused.

He opened his mouth and said wth a smirk, 'Pick it up. Might be your lover boy.'

Nandini was shocked to hear this from his mouth. True that they didn't like each other but she didn't expect him to say something like this inspite of knowing about Manik. She was hurt but did not want to show it. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that his words affect her in any way.

So, she put om a blank expression and got ready to knock some sense in his thick brain. All this while he was looking at her intently as if he was trying to read through her expressions. But before she could answer him, someone else answered in her behalf, 'That's a low blow Madhyam Singhania, even for someone like you.'

They turned their attention towards the door. Navya looked at them; Maddy, to be precise; with rage. She walked upto them and said, 'What do you think of yourself? Who are you to comment on anyone's personal life? What do you even know about her that you are commenting like this? Nothing. You know absolutely nothing about any of us. You are no one to comment on her life or on any of our life. Get this straight in your head mister.' She finished it by pointing a finer in his face. He simply stared back at her without speaking anything. Navya grabbed Nandini's hand all the while glaring at Madhyam and walked towards the door. Nandini gave one last look to Madhyam before letting herself to be led by Navya.

Once they were out of the room, Navya started blabbering about how mean and arrogant Madhyam is. Nandini looked at her with a small smile on her face. When Navya looked at her, she stopped her rant and looking at her questioningly, asked, 'What? Why are you smiling?' Nandini simply shook her head in a no and said, 'Nothing. Just seeing how my best friend can turn into an angry bird for my sake.' She held her hand and continued, 'Thank you so much Navya for standing up for me there and standing by my side.'

Navya pressed her hand and said, 'Are you stupid? Why are you thanking me? I didn't do anything special. I did what best friends do for each other. So don't even think of thanking me. Understand?' She  asked, mock glaring at her.

Nandini chuckled at her best friend's antics and gave a mock-salute to her and said, 'Yes, Mam.' Both of them giggled at their childish behaviour but then sobered up when they saw Madhyam come out of the jam room. He looked at them with a blank expression and then walked away in the opposite direction. They stared at his retreating back for a while then navya broke the silence saying the exact words that were in Nandini's mind, 'What happened to him now?'

'Don't know,' he said shrugging her shoulders. 'Anyways. Where are the rest?' Navya looked confused as she said, 'I don't know. I thought they'll be here. That reminds me, who are the one's practicing inside?'

Nandini sighed and said, 'I don't know. Maddy has made a new rule according to which we have to book the jam room beforehand if we want to use it. That's the reason they are here and our friends are not. Where might they be?' Navya replied by simply saying, 'Call them. Wait. I'll call them.' She took out her pone saying this and dialling Mukti's number pressed the phone to her ear.


So, what do you think? Where might they be?

Alright, alright, don't kill me. I know this part is inspired from the show. But I promise it'll be different from it.

Next update may be on Parth's birthday.

By the way, did you see the Kyy special on Voot?

Do vote and comment, please!!!!

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