14: Concealed Veracity

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"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind." - Mahatma Gandhi


I unlocked the front door, my backpack on my shoulder, Nick to my right. The air conditioners met my skin as soon as I closed the door behind me, refreshment settling in. I took my shoes off and threw them on the floor, Nick doing the same. Footsteps coming our way were heard, two people.

"Isla Emma Ferris," Maman stormed in, Joseph on her heel, "where have you been?!" I felt my heart beat faster, they knew.

"Notre-Dame?" I muttered, standing right in front of the door. I lied, once again.

There's the slightest chance that she's talking about something else? I doubt it, Isla.

I discreetly frowned at Nick, he simply shrugged.

"Young lady, I know you haven't been on a field-trip. Tell me, who do you think I am?" It sounded more like a statement than a question, a 'question' which would be better if I didn't give an answer to. Joseph looked angry beside Maman, I noticed that he was staring at Nick a little too intensely. "I'm not a fool, Isla. I will always be older than you, smarter than you. You're a teenager for god's sake, you shouldn't be acting this way." The conversation had taken an unexpected turn for the worse, where was this leading? Claiming herself smarter, accusing me of acting childish.

What's going on?

"Then what way should I be acting, Mom? Should I be dressing dolls, or playing with Jenga blocks? I'm not a child anymore, I never will be. Get over it," I fired back, crossing my arms. She was talking to me like an immature toddler, too juvenile to realize what was going on. She stared at me with raised eyebrows, her hands crossed. I had gotten Joseph's attention, all eyes on me now. "You've been using me, you always have. I'm not blind! You don't care about me, never have!" Hurt crossed her eyes, I caught a glimpse of a wince. My intention wasn't to hurt her, all that was spoken was simply the truth.

"Hey, don't talk to your mother like that," Joseph looked perplexed, he had never seen my mother and I fight like this.

"You know what? You're right we weren't at Notre-Dame for some stupid trip, we were in Marseille. You happy?"

"Marseille? What were you doing there?" Joseph who was unsuccessfully trying to look angry, he failed with a curious face expression sticked to his face. Joseph was probably wondering the same thing as Maman.

"I found this in Grayson's room," I pulled out the note and showed Joseph it, "I followed this address." Nick nudged my shoulder, I flashed him a look. "I thought it would lead me to some kind of clue, it didn't." I had decided to tell my parents the truth because it was the only thing that could be done, the truth for once. Maman snatched the note away and skimmed through the note, she had a frustrated look on her face trying to make sense of the note.

"What does this mean? It's nothing but an address," she gestured to the paper, looking at Nick and I.

"And a date Maman, look at the date," I whispered, I could feel my voice about to crack. As mother checked the date and realized what it meant I could feel her eyes grow, change into extreme realization.

"It can't be..." Maman looked as shocked as I had been, refusing to believe the truth.

"It can be. It is," I argued. Joseph carried a perplexed face expression, forcing me to explain things to him. Lies were always exposed, one day or another. I now knew my stepfather's lack of knowledge behind Grayson's accused death. He knew nothing, clueless he wandered around thinking the worst. That Grayson had attempted and been succesful in killing himself.


 Joseph was carrying around erroneous information on his shoulders, just like everyone else in this town, like anyone else who had even met my brother. "You know that I don't believe Grayson is dead, I don't believe that he died from an accidental overdose." My mother stared at me with disdain dripping down her eyes like flagrant tears, telling Joseph the truth would certainly challenge her efforts. 

My mother, an exceptional liar, must now need to explain why she had hid the rest of the story of her son's "death". I wonder what more she had lied about, a white lie always lead to a collection of deceit. I looked at Maman and then at Joseph, my chin held high. I wasn't afraid of Maman, and acting as if would do nothing good. 

"When I found him in the bedroom he was breathing, but he looked like he had passed out. In the hospital, he had been confirmed alive by the doctors. I talked to him, I saw him with my own eyes. His usual behavior back, he looked as if nothing had happened. Maman and I left the hospital to get some clothes for him, but when we come back he was gone. Tell me how that isn't suspicious?" My stepfather released an inaudible mumble, his face understanding.

 "I wish that it was, but it isn't. A shady looking doctor tells us he died, paid his condolences and left, leaving us utterly speechless and beyond confused. How do you want me to believe that Grayson died, I would never trust such a ludicrous circumstance. That was it. He was gone, poof," my hands moved in a way to symbolize an explosion.

 My stare at Joseph was so intense I thought I could see his old soul. Joseph didn't know anything about this until I told him, he flashed an innocent look at Maman. A look that clearly said: Why didn't you tell me this?

 A look that clearly said: Why didn't you tell me this?

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You guys are amazing, you know that? It's been such an amazing experience here on Wattpad with you reading my work, and supporting it. Things are getting heated... What do you think about all of this? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments, I try my best to reply fast! Anyways, don't forget to share & vote.

Until next time,


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