Chapter Two: Chloe the Valentine Stalker

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Chloe POV
Long brunette locks bob back and forth, glasses covering a cherry red face. Chloe Lawrence. But why was her face lit like a firework on the Fourth of July? Well, she wasn't alone. Chloe was a girl whom was extremely loving and always in a relationship, but this year she wasn't. However, that didn't keep her from cupid's ever-penetrating arrow of love. For this object she so looked at was Sarah. The blonde, tall, elegant girl whom faced the recent death of her son and betrayal of her husband. And when Chloe wasn't noticed by her senpai, she would not stop in her quest for love. From day one, Chloe followed Sarah home, memorizing her routine. Sarah would get in her Landrover car and drive over to a street called Devil's backbone. Chloe would then hop onto her motorcycle, trying to be as discrete when following her, recently, Chloe would also sneak into the trunk after she stole Sarah's spare keys. It happened when she was in theatre and overheard Kelly talking to Sarah. Sarah had left her spare keys on the table in case Kelly needed to use her car, for Sarah was going to go do something with her son, later revealed that day to be her failed suicide attempt. And today was a special day, for when Sarah made it back home, Chloe would be there for her, for Chloe had bought Sarah a bouquet of Chrysanthemums and Roses, a note attached, asking, "Will you be mine?" However, before the plan could come to action, Chloe went to seek advice from the best person she knew, Emma Cagle.
Emma Cagle POV
The girl stared into a glitzy mirror in a room filled with fabrics and pieces, accessories and outfits. Her thick blonde locks curled and twirled in a glamorous fashion. Her curves evident and her makeup prominent, the definition of a beauty queen. She stared to her side, only to see a boy of medium height next to her. Cooper Feagan. His freckles so cutely clung to his face as he smiled next to her. "Hey Cooper!" Emma said turning over to the boy, but she saw the boy holding something. Cooper began, slightly stuttering," W-illl y-y-ou be my V-vall-entine?" Cooper handed the girl a heart shaped box, interior decorated with little wrapped chocolates, obviously high quality and an artisan's work. "Thank you Coop-," Emma began, but Cooper sprinted off. The blonde got up off of her stool and quickly strutted in a still elegant manner, as she always had the presence, chasing Cooper down. When Emma caught up she heard a giggle. She stared at the corner only to see long, beach blonde locks curling down the sides of a girl, whose height only made her more attractive looking. It was her. Sarah Goff. But what were they saying? Emma caught a feminine voice say," I don't even think and you make me smile." Out of the corner of Emma's eye she caught Sarah, accepting a giant heart-shaped box, distinctly larger than than what Emma received. Cooper, handing a bouquet, whispered words that Emma was able to make out," You just don't know how beautiful you are, but baby you're my favorite part." ❤️ As Emma stared out of the corners of her eyes, after Cooper said that, Emma quickly jogged to the other corner of the hall. So. Cooper wanted to break Emma's heart because he "loved another girl." Yeah right, "Will you be my Valentine?" He said. So it seemed Cooper wanted to play with magic. Maybe he should know what he is fighting for.
Later that day...
A blond girl, short and stout, with gracious straight locks and a petite stature smiled up at her boyfriend. "Dane?" The girl said, looking up to a boy with wavy black locks and deep brown eyes, whom was almost a foot taller and of slightly muscular stature. "Yes Tessa, my valentine?" "I had an idea." Tessa responded. "What is it?" Dane asked. "Sometimes, I think about my future, and sometimes..." Tessa said, drifting off. "Yes dear?" Dane said, staring in anticipation. She hesitated and then said,"Sometimes I wonder, what it would be like to have a child."
(Authors Note: Haha, I'm really sorry it took so long to finish. I've been kind of busy, and yes I did use some songs in this chapter, I used "My Favorite Part"- by Mac Miller feat Ariana Grande and some lyrics from "Dark Horse" -by Katy Perry. As always, thank you all for reading and being patient. I really do appreciate it! 💚 (=゚ω゚)ノ

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