Chapter Four: Let Me Love You (Warning: This Chapter is Slightly Promiscuous)

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Juju POV
A thin dark brunette haired girl sighed. Her scrunchie  tying her ponytail in danger of being snatched up by the wind as it flew against her face, making her ponytail flutter out of place. Juju had just broken up with her ex, and now she was already single, and Juju didn't really know what was next. But this time Juju was just going to chill and sit back. Her ex, was Bobby Watson. The scoundrel broke her heart at the end of February. In fact it was February 15th, so about a month ago, yes, right after Valentine's Day. As she strolled through the halls thinking about it, she thought about what happened with Chloe and Sarah. The same day apparently that Juju and Bobby broke up, Chloe ended up kissing Sarah, apparently at a bar that both Chloe, and Sarah went to as well as Kelly. Juju thought aloud, "Where is Chloe?" Juju was half-hoping for an answer, but only quiet little chatters from the few students in the hall could be heard.
Later that day...
"Well, I'm ready to go home!" Juju spoke, looking over to her friends. Her friends Nairn and Hannah were both dancing together in fun enjoyment, singing to each other. Juju had such cute friends. "Hey," a voice called over Juju's shoulder. "Oh hey Callie!" Juju responded, turning to the blonde, curly-headed friend, a very feminine girl with a kind face. "Oh my god Callie!" Juju exclaimed. "What?" Callie questioned. "You're lipstick is so on point that Kylie Jenner couldn't catch a guy with that shade of red. It's all your look, girl." Juju said, pointing finger guns at Callie.
Callie POV
Callie's face lit up, it felt so evident that her face was like something you'd find in the Firework music video by Katy Perry. Juju did break up with Bobby not too long ago. Was Juju... flirting? No. It was just a compliment, Callie said in her mind, dismissing the thought.
Alexa POV
Alexa yawned, waking up from an oddly peaceful slumber. When did she go to sleep? Today was Friday and surprisingly there was rehearsal earlier rather than later, so it was understandable, but still, what time was it. Alexa turned her head to the right. There lie an alarm clock, thankfully to her disposal, but when Alexa read the numbers it was quite surprising. 6:40 pm! Last Alexa remembered was that she was going to hang out with her friend Brooke and now she lie there in a tank top and brief-like shorts. What was the most surprising was the fact that when Alexa turned over in the bed, she wasn't alone, and there lie next to her, a little over half-clothed Brooke. Brooke turned smiling at Alexa, Alexa half smiling but very confused, Brooke opened her mouth and spoke, groggily with sleepiness, "I heard you were single, and you're my feature." Alexa blushed uncontrollably, realizing what was going on in both shock and flattery, "Oh my god." Alexa then jumped after staring into Brooke's eyes for a few minutes when Brooke's phone rang. Oh no, it was Hannah, and Alexa remembered Brooke promising that the two would hang out tonight.
Hannah POV
The first call. Nothing. Maybe Brooke just didn't pick her phone up in time. The brunette headed girl, Hannah, of fair skin and sea blue eyes held her phone up to her ear, hoping it would pick up soon. Second call, nothing. Hannah sighed, turning to her friends, hoping that they could comfort her. "Brooke isn't picking up," Hannah stated, voice shaky and low. "Awww I'm sorry," Callie said, holding onto Hannah's sleeve. "Hannah!" A somewhat deep voice called from behind Hannah, causing her to jump in surprise. When she turned, she recognized the freckled face, "Cooper Feagan! Don't scare me like that!!! You almost snatched my weave!" Hannah exclaimed in response to the voice from behind. Cooper looked at her in confusion. Cooper then looked at her, his eyes somewhat tense, "May I talk to you?" Sure Cooper!" Hannah said reassuringly.
Cooper POV
Cooper grabbed Hannah by the hand, rushing her over to a corner in the parking lot located next to a shaded tree. The leaves were dark enough to block out any light to draw attention to Cooper and Hannah. Slightly panting, Hannah looked over to Cooper with a sharp glare, breathing slight breaths to try and relax. "I was hanging out with my girls and you dragged me away. Is this something private you need to tell me?" Cooper responded immediately speaking fastly, "Anne is there! And Emma Fosdick was there too!" Hannah retorted in confusion, "So what?" "Well I was in love with Sarah and she felt mutual and we kissed and- and- and-" "Yes. You kissed the love of my life, what next?" Hannah replied. Cooper looked at her, "You too?" Hannah looked down, face red in realization of what she slipped out, "Well yeah but-" "Well you see, I really really like Sarah, but I've been having these complex feelings and I've never felt this strangely before-" Cooper said but was soon cut off. "Ok, what does this have to do with Fosdick and Anne," Hannah said, now concerned. "They both asked me out and I think they're both so sweet and lovely but-" Cooper started again, but was then cut off again by Hannah. "I'm not letting you play both of my best friends."
Anne POV
A dark haired thin girl, with fair olive skin stared at Nairn and Callie. Anne didn't know Callie as well, but Nairn was fairly close to Anne. Nairn was like Callie in the fact that they were both somewhat short, and they were both blonde except Nairn's hair was lighter and straight. Juju was meanwhile dancing in the background to some Ariana Grande. Anne, Hannah, Callie, Nairn, Juju and Fosdick were all hanging out and having a sophomore girls meeting after school. The other sophomore, Rachel, had left earlier as Rachel was invited out to dinner on a date with a handsome man from Nebraska. However, Fosdick had slipped out of the circle it seemed, and Cooper ran off with Hannah. Anne did really want to go over to Cooper, as he tended to tickle her ivories in the way wherein she quite fancied him. But where were they? Anne was also fairly close to Hannah too so she was kind of sad to see Hannah go off with Cooper. While Nairn and Callie were chatting away, the somewhat taller of the two, Anne saw her chance to slip off. Anne ran in the direction she remembered where Cooper and Hannah parted off to. She mumbled to herself, thinking about the handsome boy, "Boy, just let me love you."
While running, she noticed a figure not to far ahead of her. That short curly hair was noticeable anywhere. It wasn't Bobby as he was far too tall and this figure on the shorter, for there lie ahead of Anne was Fosdick. Anne snuck up behind a Emma Fosdick, wherein Fosdick was clinging to the back of a tree, poking her head out. "Emm-" Anne began, wherein Fosdick immediately jolted back, "Shhh!" Fosdick shushed. When Anne looked around, she saw the beautiful boy a few feet ahead of her, Cooper Feagan. Anne sighed, "I love him so." Fosdick turned around, glaring suspiciously, in a quiet hush asking, "You do to?" Fosdick nodded, and then quickly jolted her head back to the scene under the three. Anne peaked in as well, as she heard Cooper began to speak. Cooper sported a straight face and Hannah one of seriousness as Cooper spoke, "I'm just looking for love, and I think I fell in love with my best friend, Vincent."

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