Chapter 2 - Unlucky

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Ellie made the first wish saying "I wish that I had my own puppy"
Emily her friend asked "are you sure"
Emily responded within a second with "I'm positive."
Emily made the next wish wishing for an A in all of her subjects at school. Her other friend Brooke wish for a pair of cool new trainers. Abbie ( Emily 's sister) wished for a new pencil case and Josh wished for a cool bike. Then suddenly Ellie felt like she heard someone say 'Home's that way'.
With no curiosity Ellie repeated the words to her friends ' home's that way '. Then Ellie walked with her friends back home and they were exhausted. Next morning when Ellie woke her mother immediately told her what was in the newspaper. Ellie's mum told Ellie that in the newspaper the friendly woman with a Puppy next door had been ran over and now we have been delivered her puppy so we can look after it. Ellie thought secretly at the back of her mind how strange I wished for a puppy and now I've got one. Must be a coincidence.

The Wishing wellHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin