Silent in the chaos

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I finally made it through the dirty dingy campus and to the main office. Just another dirty building, but at least this one does not seem so abandoned. Though only because of all the students scrambling to get their dorm and class information they will need for Monday. My third year here, my third dorm, my third dorm mate. I hope I can at least get herc or someone I know. But that didn't happen last year i got stuck with a freshmen George Eaker. He was an annoying gossip who I had to live with for an entire school year. The year before I got the annoying Frenchmen Lafayette. He barely spoke any english when I met him but even then he quickly became a friend. Now i would be so happy to have him as a dorm mate again. I stood waiting in the line for about fifteen minuets, I swear there must be a better way to do this then to have to people at computers trying to get about 4,000 students the information they need at in one day. Some of the people around me seem vaguely familiar but no one is anyone who's name I'd know or I would ever want to talk to so I just stand in silence. Well i'm silent at least, I cant say the same for everyone else. Everyone else is chatting worth the people around then of yelling across the crowded room to someone else who they knew or maybe someone they hope foto know. But of course, I was a little late and im in the black of the line. I stand around a little longer listening to some of the idiotic annoying chattering chattering of my peers. I swear they gat more annoying and even more stupid every year. Suddenly someone bumped in to me. Ugh probably some stupid freshmen. I looked at him, judging by his height id say he is. His long greasy black hair was pulled in to a tight ponytail and he had wide plain brown eyes. He mumbled quick apologies. We stood in our own silence well until two bumbling brutes came stumbling towards us.


He was a, light skinned Puerto Rican Dominican, long hair, mature in the body like woah. Just kidding but I feel bad about running in to him. We stood in an awkward silence, it would have been more awkward if I wasn't so interested in our peers conversations. Suddenly I see two figures heading for us. One is tall and muscular with short hair and aa green beanie, the other is tall and lanky with a giant puff of hair tied back. In to a ponytail. Wait, I know him. That's Lafayette! They walked up to me and the curly haired freckled boy.

" Alex mon ami you have met john I see" Lafayette called happily

So his name is John, thank god someone said something.

" hey Laf, hey Herc" john said almost seeming bored

John is a confusing person. He gives off a very emotionless hostile air, but his eyes are wide and their golden depths reveal so much more emotion and pain, trapped memory's it seems. He has trapped himself in a shell, a shell that is not there to protect him as he thinks. This shell is slowly destroying him, it is becoming tougher making it harder for anything inside to get out. But at some point every shell has to break, but the longer something is trapped the more it grows. I have one question john. How long have you been trapped?

" so I guess you must be alex" Herc said cheerfully

" i'm Hercules mulligan, people call me Herc. This is john Laurens. I can Gus's you already know Lafayette." Herc smiled

Herc is very different from john. The first thing that comes to your head when you see him is not happy sweet funny guy. The first thing you think is a terrifying giant is heading words me. But once you talk to him you see he's nothing terrifying or horrible he's just Hercules, Hercules Mulligan. I wonder if one of them will be my dorm mate, I hope they are.


We waited in that horrible line for about twenty or so more minuets. Finally we were at the front, there were far fewer people know then at the beginning, there was almost no one left in the awful room now. I looked at my sheet of paper, dorm building B dorm number 1754. Cool i'm on the second floor this time, so no snowed over windows in the winter. I wonder who my dorm mate will be.


We all looked at each other's slips, Lafayette and john were together again. I was in dorm number 1776 with alex. At least I was on the same floor as Lafayette and john. I fee bad for this alex kid. It turns out he's our age 20, he's just really short. But still even then he has so much hidden inside him. But unlike john he has absolutely no idea its there. I knew I was the only one out of the four of us who saw it. John is busy being weird and shutting everything out like he's been lately and laf is far to care free to see it. God I wish I had Lafayette's innocence still.


I don't think anyone can tell


I don't think anyone can tell


I think I hid it pretty well


I think I hid it pretty well


It's safe inside my mind


It's safe inside my mind


No one saw through me


No one saw through me


No one can see through my facade


No one can see through my facade


I know none of them will ever get to me


I know none of them will ever get to me


But I bet they will try


But they still try


But first they would have to find me


But first they would have to find mr


Hidden inside myself


Hiding myself inside

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