Just what I am

89 3 2

John Pov

We got back to Laf and mine's dorm quickly, Alex slightly limping.   

" you really should put it in hot water" Angelica said

" I'm fine" Alex protested shaking his head

"You're and idiot" Angelica retorted rolling her eyes

" I think differently" Alex said.

" We know" Hercules groaned

The room was pretty cramped with everyone in it but we all fit. The Schuyler sisters were on my bed, Hercules and I on Laf's bed, and Alex and Laf on the floor. I dont know why we decided to come to this room, its the smallest one out of everyone's dorm. Alex was being stubborn and Angelica is going to fight him on it. This happens with anyone who crosses Angelica.

" So Alex" Peggy said" Tell us about yourself, where did you one from"

" I'm from Nevis" Alex responded " its a small town, there was a big hurricane. That's really all there is about it"

" Tell us about your family and yourself" Laf said

" well, I have an older brother, but I haven't heard from him in over a year. My mom died when I was 12 my mom died, and my dad there's not much to say about him." Alex continued " oh and I had a cousin too"

" Well, thats... fun" Angelica said.

Laf grabbed my arm and whispered"This kids got it tough" I managed to get my now burning arm out of Laf's grip to respond.

Rubbing my arm I whispered back "Yeah, it seems that way"

A few hours later everyone was heading back to their dorms. I flopped on to my bed face down "good night Laf" I mumbled

" Night John" he responded

Alex Pov

They must know something

John Pov

Or at least be suspicious

Alex Pov

I which I hadn't said that

John Pov

I could have let him hold on longer

Alex Pov

I want to tell them

John Pov

But at the same time I don't

Alex Pov

I bet they wouldn't care that much

John Pov

But what if they hate me for it

Alex/John Pov

I ant them to know but I don't, and every stupid move I make leads them even closer. All I ever make is mistakes. I don't know why i expected anything else, its just what I am.

A/N I wrote this during my creative writing class and had to keep switching the document when the teacher came by. How's this story going? Do you guys like it? Should i make a new thing for the authors note for this book, is it worthy of my favorite child's thing? Wanna be friends?


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2017 ⏰

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