stormy sunshine

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His eyes were the color of the sky before a storm.
Gray and cold.
When they caught the light they seem to darken.
His voice was the sound of rain pounding against the cold pavement while the wind howls around me.
Causing me to shiver
He was a storm, a storm
People were afraid of,
His heart was as cold as his stare and the murder in his eyes was unmistakable.
But he wasn't always this way.
He once had warm hands and
a voice that brought wonderful thoughts to mind.
His eyes were bright and shined with love for his ray of sunshine.
His warmth came from her and it radiated through him
Lighting every corner of darkness
Held within him.
We danced through rain and laughed in the sun.
But in his mind the sun was gone
Replaced by an ominous cloud that never left his heart.
His sunshine walked around with a smile on her face
Hiding the tears behind her eyes
That held his love.
His breath hitches every time he sees me
And my eyes search the crowd for him
Separated by the sea of people who pulled us apart .
The clouds always seemed to agree to hide the sun from us
Darkening our feelings.
Creating a want
A desire to reach the light that was once held between us.
My laugh was his remedy.
And his love was what healed me.
He looks down and turns around
I looked away and walked the opposite direction .
A storm came between us
It pulled us right into its hurricane
Leaving us stranded with the truth.
A cold heart will never warm my heart .
My smile could never melt the ice he had in his.
The forecast was confused
The bad weather always seemed to be above us .
It will be sunny with a chance...
A chance of what?
Of pain?
Or love?

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