let us hold your pain

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We can all see it,
its an ache in your chest,
a pain in your head,
a flash of grief crosses your face,
every time you close your eyes.

When you pass by that stop,
fists clenched hoping this time,
you don't have to look away,
but your eyes betray you,
and you can almost see her,
waving at you.

Did you know that when you texted "hey",
it was going to go unanswered,
she was busy after all,
at a game,
for which you had wished her good luck.

An accident,
I heard,
In a car,
Two passengers,
Died upon impact.

We can all see how much you cared,
how much you wondered,
why she never answered,
she wasn't at fault,
her hands weren't on that wheel.

it was her life,
that was cut short,
ended without a warning,
such a free spirit gone,
to her own heaven.

I can sense your suffering,
your missing smile,
the way that you laughed,
at a stupid mistakes made by others,
except this one,
the on that placed her,
six feet under,
along her brother,
and buried you,
six feet deep,
into depression.

Restless nights,
scrolling through,
her last pictures,
and posts,
with tear filled eyes,
staring at your screen,
attempting to bring life to her,
camera captured eyes.

She lived at peace,
and no doubt,
resting in it.

Yet it takes you,
a long time,
to find her peacefulness,
without her voice,
silly faces,
and stupid jokes.

We can see why,
but lets us,
let me,
hold you pain,
and restore the happiness you lost.

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