Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 –

Adam’s P.O.V.

Joel and Gemma went shopping together, when he was waiting to meet her earlier I could see how excited he was, he looked like an overly happy puppy. I’d never met Gemma before today but knew everything about her as Joel was always talking about her. He loved her that you could easily tell; she just hadn’t figured it out yet. When she walked into Starbuck Joel’s eyes lit up and he bounded over to meet her, Andy, Ryan, Olivia, Carys and I all turned to look at them, it was a funny sight to watch.

“So when do you think they’ll get together?” Carys asked smiling next to me; I wrapped my arm around her as we sat on the sofa now back home.

“As soon as he gets the guts to be a man” Andy said walking and dropping on the opposite chair with a can of beer. Carys laughed next to me; I loved her laugh it always made me grin goofily. We’d met when we first started gigging as a band, once we’d finished our final song she came up to talk to us and we hit off immediately, the rest is history!

“What are looking at?” she asked me, I hadn’t realized I’d been staring at her.

“Oh, just my amazing girlfriend!” I said, I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers but broke away far too quickly because Andy was screaming ‘cut the PDA’ and Ryan and Rosie walked in. Olivia had gone home to get some clothes because Andy had invited her to stay over for the night.

 Cary’s and I had been together for over two years now, and I was more in love with her then ever! I’d been thinking about popping the question on our three year anniversary next month and Andy had been thinking about doing the same with Olivia as they had been together for almost two years. Joel was the only one who hadn’t had a serious girlfriend, but we all knew why.

“What can we do? I’m bored” Ryan said sitting down playing with his thumbs.

“Well we need to practise some songs but we can’t do that since Joel isn’t here, how about I whip your sorry self on guitar hero?” Andy said swigging his beer.

“Oh you’re on! Andy get the drums you’re playing too!” Ryan shouted standing up. I loved playing but they always got over competitive and ended up turning to Joel or me to decide who won, and since Joel wasn’t here I knew I’d have to pick.

The beat to La Grange by ZZ Top began to play and I began to hit the drums to the rhythm while Andy and Ryan were dramatically playing the guitars, so far Ryan was just winning although Andy wasn’t too far behind. The girls were laughing at how seriously they took it and I had to agree, although I began to get really into it too!

The song ended and Ryan won getting the most points, he had a bead of sweat running across his forehead, which was pretty funny because he was only playing a game.

“Oh yeah! And that is how you do it!” Ryan said grinning like an idiot.

“Whatever Rhino, rematch in five minutes. I just need the toilet” Andy said dancing on the spot before quickly walking out of the room.

“Carys you should have a go!” I said pointing to the drums, she shook her head and laughed saying she would end up breaking it and hit someone in the face with the sticks. I laughed because I knew this would probably be true.

Andy came back ten minutes later, but Olivia was with him, she’d obviously just arrived. She sat next to Cary’s and they gossiped about some TV show or something, well I presumed they were because they were squealing.

“Alright how about a bit of Iron Maiden” Andy said clicking on the song and they began rocking out once again, I didn’t have much to do in this song because there weren’t many beats. Somehow in-between playing the guitar and drinking his beer Andy managed to trip Ryan up and he fell face first on the floor. Everyone was laughing apart from Rhino, his lack of concentration made him lose and he sat down sulking, complaining that Andy had cheated.

“I never said I would play fair mate” Andy said patting him on the back

“Yeah we-“ Ryan started but got cut off by Joel walking through the door.

“And the king of Nottingham is back!” Joel announced with his arms open looking very pleased with himself.

“Why do you look so smug? Did you tell her?” I asked, I was curious because he was always talking about her.

“I didn’t tell her but things went really well! We were watching a film and she fell asleep on my chest, I kissed her, but she doesn’t know that because she was out of it!” Joel said, he got excited about the smallest of things, but you could tell just how happy he was since they started hanging out together.

“Things can only get better” He said flopping down next to me so he was half sat on my lap, I shoved him off and shuffled towards Carys, she rested her head on my shoulder and I felt as happy as Joel looked.

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