Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Cary’s P.O.V.

I didn’t mind that Adam left to go outside to talk to whoever it was on the phone, I presumed it was one of the boys having one of those moments.

I waited.

Two minutes passed.

Five minutes.


After fifteen minutes had passed I started to worry. What if I had done something wrong? What if one of the boys had got into trouble? He would come back and tell me if he was going anywhere right?


Since our food had arrived and I’d almost eaten all of mine, I grabbed my bag, and paid before leaving. When I opened the door a breeze of cold air hit me, I wrapped my jumper around me before going to where Adam had parked the car since I couldn’t see him.

I got to where I was sure we parked but stood their stunned. The car was gone. He had left without telling me, not a clue where he was, and no way of getting home.

I tried to not let it get to me, I held back the anger and tears that threatened to break through, instead I took my phone and dialled Gemma’s number since I knew that she wasn’t busy tonight. It rang three times before she answered.

“Hello?” her familiar voice rang out

“Gemma it’s me, I, I need someone to pick me up” I said trying to keep my voice as normal as possible.

“I thought you were with Adam?” she asked

“So did I, but he just left without telling me and I’m stuck at Nandos” I said, there was no point in lying to her.

“What an idiot, I’m sorry Carys. I’ll come and get you now” she said and I could hear shuffling in the background

“I thought you couldn’t drive?” I asked, I’m sure this topic had come up before.

“I can’t, but Joel can. We’ll be five minutes max” she said before we hung up. I found a post and sat on it waiting for them to turn up, Adam spinning in my mind the whole time,

When the familiar red car did pull up Gemma ran over to me and pulled me into a hug, she didn’t say anything just led me back into the waiting car. Joel smiled sympathetically before driving off.

“Do you have any idea who he called?” I asked, I wasn’t sure why they would have any idea but it was worth asking.

“Well everyone else is back at the house so it’s not any of them” Joel said concentrating on driving, a name played at the back of my mind but I didn’t want to admit it to myself. I think the others knew too but didn’t want to be the first to suggest it.

“It’s Claire isn’t it. Who else could it be” I said in defeat, the others didn’t say anything but I knew I was right.

Gemma’s P.O.V.

I felt so sorry for Carys, so loved Adam so much and things were going really well before Claire turned up, I had a bad feeling about her and now Adam suddenly leaving Carys like that seems a bit odd, I mean he wouldn’t normally do it for anyone else without telling Carys or taking her home first.

She sat in the backseat not saying much, I couldn’t blame her either to be honest. If it was Joel who had gone off with another girl like that I would be exactly the same and for sure he wouldn’t be my boyfriend anymore, I’m not sure what Carys is going to do about it but no matter what I’ll stick with her decision

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