Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Carys P.O.V

Andy and Olivia had been gone for a few hours now, although we all knew why. I really hoped that she would say yes because I could tell how much she liked him and Andy was hopelessly in love with her. Adam had dragged me up to his room a little while ago because he wanted to get away from the others for a bit. I lay on his bed leaning against his chest as he flicked through the channels to see if he could find anything on TV: he couldn’t.

I heard the front door open downstairs and ran down to see Olivia and Andy grinning like a pair of idiots, she had obviously said yes. Adam came down behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist; the others had also joined us.

“This my good friends, is the future Mrs Brown” Andy said proudly as he kissed Olivia on the cheek. The others congratulated him and pattered him on the back as Olivia came over to me and showed me the ring. It was beautiful, the round diamond shone in the light and the silver base had her initials engraved onto it, I pulled her into a hug.

“Congratulations! You both look so happy” I said into her ear, she grinned and looked over my shoulder at Adam.

“Thank you and I’m sure it won’t be long until Pitts over there asks you the same thing” she said whispering so only I could hear, I grinned back like an idiot. She pulled away but not before winking at Adam who gave her a confused look but she just shook her head and turned her attention back to Andy.

“Well I think this calls for a celebration” Ryan shouted over everyone and walked into the kitchen Rosie trailing behind him; those two stuck to each other like glue.

We all headed for the kitchen apart from Joel who said he was going to call Gemma and see if she could come over. It was so obvious to everyone but Gemma herself that Joel was completely in love with her, whenever she was around him he acted like a lovesick puppy. When I met her the other day I was pretty sure she loved him too even if she didn’t know herself yet.

Ryan bought out some cans of beer and handed one to each of the boys while Rosie poured a glass of wine for each of us girls. We all took our drink and Adam switched the CD player on blasting whatever disk was currently in there at the minute.

“I know what we should do!” Rosie said pausing before continuing. “We should play never have I ever, do you guys know that game?” she asked and we all nodded, there wasn’t much to it. Whenever someone said never have I ever and you had done whatever they were talking about you took a sip of your drink – everyone normally ended up pretty drunk by the end of it, although I didn’t mind because we had a reason to celebrate.

Before we started the game the doorbell rang and Joel ran to answer it because it was most likely Gemma. Sure enough five minutes later they walked into the room hand in hand, I smiled at Gemma and she waved back coming to sit on the floor beside me, Joel sitting her other side.

“Who wants to start off?” Adam, said pulling me closer to him so I was sat in-between his legs, I looked up at him as he looked down smiling before closing the gap between us and kissing me on the nose, I giggled and bought my attention back to the game.

“Never have I ever… been skinny dipping” Joel said and we all laughed, Rosie and Ryan looked at each other sheepishly  before taking a sip of their drink which made them get a lot of teasing from the other guys.

“Never have I ever stole anything” Olivia said, I had to take a sip. When I was younger I remember stealing some sweets from a shop and not too long ago I’d stole Adam’s hoodie (If you could even call it stealing) when I’d took it he looked everywhere for but then gave up – he still hadn’t found out yet. Everyone else also took a sip of their drink though so I didn’t feel so bad, Adam raised an eyebrow at me so I just smiled back and looked away before we could go into further details.

Half an hour later we were all pretty tipsy.

“Okay guys, never have I ever kissed my boss or manager” Gemma said grinning like an idiot. I rose by eyebrow at Joel knowing he was going to have fun answering this; everyone else looked at him waiting for an answer as he lifted his cup to his mouth and took a drink.

“Naughty naughty Peat, who was she?” Gemma questioned completely unaware it was in fact her. Joel went quite as he deliberated whether he should tell her the truth or not.

“I…uh…it was…it was you Gemma” he said quietly and turning a shade of pink, he turned away from her so he couldn’t see her reaction. Adam’s grip tightened around me in excitement and everyone else went silent wanting to know what Gemma would say in return. Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about what he had said.

“Me? When? I… I don’t remember” Gemma said blushing and looking slightly confused

“You were asleep… yesterday” Joel said barely whispering the last part although I knew Gemma had heard it because her eyes went wide.

“I – Uh” She managed to choke out, Joel stood up and pulled her up with him walking out of the room, I guess so they could talk about it and hopefully he would finally tell her the truth.

“He better tell her now” Andy said and I nodded. Adam pulled me against his chest and I looked up, he grinned and put his hand under my chin tilting my head slightly before kissing me softly on the lips. I melted deeper into his arms under his touch and when we broke apart I couldn’t help but smile.

“I have the annoying urge to go and eavesdrop on their conversation but I won’t because it might be an awkward conversation” Ryan said, his forehead creased. Rosie laughed and kissed him on the cheek while Andy and Olivia were practically sitting on top of each other, whispering things in each other’s ears making them giggle like little girls.

“Never have I ever wanted to kiss you so much in my life” Adam said whispering in my ear making me blush slightly turning around to face him and poking him in the chest.

“I’m not sure that counts, plus you just kissed me just a minute ago” I said teasing; he shrugged his shoulders and leaned in once again pressing his lips against mine. My eyes closed and his warm breathe tickled me sending a shiver over my body. I could hear the others shouting to cut the PDA but neither of us wanted to listen; the only thing that made us both break away was the sound of footsteps and the door opening again revealing Joel and Gemma

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