Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

The aroma of different, and exquisite liquors filled the ballroom. It definitely added to the multiple trillionaires in the room. It was a weird atmosphere for me. I had never been in a room with so many inventors and businessmen before.

It was beautiful ballroom, full of marble slabs, and gold chandeliers. One of Gotham's best social scenes. The ceiling was complete glass, exposing the rising crescent moon. It was still fairly early, and not everyone I presumed was here yet. I would think more entrepreneurs and philanthropists would be attending a 'Bruce Wayne Gala.'

Zatanna and I stood near the entrance, unsure where to go. "What are we even doing here?" I whispered, watching as she scouted the place. She spotted the bar and a faint smile tug at her lips, "Fun."

I rolled my eyes as she practically dragged me to the bar. She sat down on a stool, patting down the one next to her. "I think we found decent dresses in under four hours" she laughed, watching as the bartender took other people's orders. "Too bad we had to spend our rent money..." I trailed off.

"Oh, Jesus Christ, Isabella!" Zatanna sighed, "can you just chill out and have fun? For once?" I rolled my eyes, "I guess." "Plus," she paused, "why do you think I wanted us to go to a billionaire's gala. Meet a rich guy who could pay our rent for us."

"Oh really?" I laughed, "that's what you think would happen?" "With our looks one of us should at least get laid." Before I could respond the bartender was in front of us. "One Hangman's Blood," Zatanna smiled at the man.

The man spoke in a thick french accent, I could tell he struggled with his English. "Only have Champagne." "Oh. So you've got pussy drinks?" "Zatanna." "What?" she laughed, "they have pussy drinks."

The bartender looked a little frightened at her, but retreated for her champagne. "See, this is why I don't like going places with you." She rolled her eyes, "Whatever. These are a bunch of rich assholes. I bet they could afford Gin and Whiskey."

"Watch your attitude, okay?" I sighed, "we don't even know who invited us here." "See, there it is again!" she poked my shoulder. I let out a low growl, Zatanna always likes making a big deal about everything.

"There what is again?" I asked, gazing across the ballroom. "You always being a Debby Downer." I snapped my head back to her, "Excuse me?" "You heard me." The bartender came back and handed Zatanna her champagne.

She took a sip from her oval shaped glass as we got up and started to wander around the ballroom. "You want some?" Zatanna stuck out her glass to me. "You know I don't drink," I rolled my eyes at her.

"Are you seriously mad?" she scoffed, "gosh, I'm sorry I called you a Debby Downer, alright?" "It doesn't even matter, Zatanna," I laughed, "it doesn't." She raised an eyebrow, "You sure?"

"I wasn't trying to be mean," she laughed, "just your attitude about your powers and stuff. I mean, not everyone is born with powers like us." As I glanced down at her hand, the tips had a sudden surge of red. "Not now, people could see!" "See..." Zatanna trailed off. I shook my head, "this is not the time or place to teach me a lesson."

A sudden surge of power rocked the chandelier in the middle of the room, making numerous guests jump. I turned and gripped her wrist, sending my own power through her, making her jump. "Jesus, Isabella," she winced from the pain.

"Do not test me, Za-" "Ladies," a voice interrupted us from behind. I jumped, turning around to face a tall man in a suit. "I was enquiring a dance partner and I was wondering if either of you would like to assist," the man flashed a toothy smile.

I wasn't gonna lie, the man was very attractive. I returned the smile, "No, we're okay, but thank you for the-" "I would love to!" Zatanna grabbed the man's hand and dragged him to the middle of the ballroom.

My mouth hung open, watching as she walked away. "You know..." I sighed, "I'm gonna need that drink after all." Did I really just talk to myself? I let out a groan as I walked to the bar. The bartender looked a little frightened at me.

"Don't worry," I laughed, "it's just me." The man raised a brow, "What happened to your friend?" "She ditched me." The man shook his head, pulling out a glass. "What do you want?" the man asked. "Don't you only have champagne?" "I can make an exception," he smiled, "I'll make you my favorite from Marseille."

He grabbed multiple items, pouring all into a glass and stirring. "I've heard of Marseille," I made a little chit-chat, " it's very pretty this time of the year, right?" The man nodded, handing me my drink. Mouthing a thank you, I got up and walked off.

I glanced back at a clock that was placed at the entrance; It was only eight.  I chugged down my drink and placed it on a passing tray. The last thing I wanted was to spend this night sitting at the bar talking to the bartender.

I started to make my way the entrance, but was stopped by a man. He wore the same attire as every other male tonight. "Leaving so soon?" the man smiled. He looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't think of who he was. "Yes, it was a nice party, but I must be-" "Bruce Wayne," he stuck out his hand.

Bruce Wayne? As in the billionaire Bruce Wayne? As in the philanthropist Bruce Wayne? The eligible bachelor and playboy? "Isabella Alexander," I shook his hand, "nice to meet you." I had to say, he was even handsomer in person. "The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Alexander," he smiled.

"Mr. Wayne, I've always been a fan of your wide ranged technology." "Please, no business talk tonight," he laughed, "I try to get away from it all at parties. "But isn't this a gala dedicated to your company's' work?" His smile grew wider, "You're absolutely right, and my business galas are amazing; which is why I'm surprised someone would be leaving so early in the night."

"My friend dragged me here..." I sighed, "parties aren't my thing." "Unless you're performing for one," he looked down at me. I furrowed my brows together, "How did you-" He pulled out a card from his suit pocket and placed it in my hand. He started to walk towards the center of the ballroom, "Wait!" I called out, watching as he kept walking.

I turned the card around and it only showed an address. The Hotel Belle Monico. The card was completely black with only the gold writing of the address. I saw Zatanna making her way to me and I clutched the card in my hand so she couldn't see it.

"Who was that?" she looked back, trying to find the man in the crowd of people. "Bruce Wayne," I whispered, watching as she squaled. "As in the Bruce Wayne?" she asked, putting emphasize on the word the. I simply nodded to her as she was freaking out.

"Well, what did he want?" she asked. I continued fidgeting, trying to make sure she couldn't see the card. "I don't know." Honestly, I didn't even know if I would go. I just met the man, I don't even know anything about him.

"Well, let's get back to it then!" she smiled, "maybe you can introduce me to him." I watched as she started to make her way back to the crowd of people; with no clue what I was getting myself into.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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