Chapter 12: defeating the enemy

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Then we saw Pjeter outside grabbed Regan. I was fearful for her life. I didn't want him to kill her. "Trim came and fight me" Pjeter shouted. "Let the girl go" I groaned. Then he let her go. "Come and find you worthless big hearted girl" Pjeter demanded. He went inside, so I followed him.

I went to the main entrance of my family's castle. I saw Pjeter holding a sword. He threw the sword at me and I catch it. Then he got another sword. "Shall we fight until death?" He ask. "Yes we should also I am not the one who is going to do die tonight" I said in confidence. "We see little girl" he said. So we fight in swords.

We kept on sword fighting so I stabbed him. And he dies. Finally victory is mine however it would not bring my parents back to alive.

I went outside. I said to everybody. "The false king have died" then they cheered.

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