Chapter 2

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It was one in the morning when Dave got home, TZ was probaly asleep.

He walked inside and locked the door, placing his keys on the counter and grabbing some AJ. He only had a couple beers so he wasnt that drunk.

He hopes he can get some cuddles with TZ before he falls asleep. He walks over to the room and and opens the door.

Thats when he saw it. "WHAT THE FUCK!" There they were. John and Terezi, having sex.

"Uh... It isnt what you think dave!" Said john from under Terezi.

"Yeah she is drunk, i know. But your not, i can tell from the way you are acting"

"Coolkid, calm down. We are done anyways" Terezi said calmly, but drunk.

"Yeah, you are." He crossed his arms "get your clothes and get out john. NOW!" Dave seemed pissed off.

John was quick and left without saying bye. Why would he do that? He was Dave's best friend.

Who gives a shit, Dave is pissed. His best friend slept with his girlfriend. God it is agrivating.

Dave didnt even sleep in the same bed as Terezi. He got an extra blanket and layed on the couch before pulling out his phone

turntechGodhead [TG] started pestering tentacleTherapist [TT]

TG: rose
TG: you asleep?
TT: I was, but I assume you are bothering me for something importent?
TG: yeah
TG: sorry for waking you
TG: so i came home to some crazy shit
TT: What kind of "crazy shit"?
TG: john slept with terezi
TT: John?
TG: yeah
TG: its fucking insane
TT: If you would like to talk about it, we could get some lunch tomarrow
TG: no thanks
TG: im good
TT: You at least can come have lunch with your sister, I insist.
TG: fine
TG: but dont bring your girlfriend
TT: I wont.
TG: see you tomarrow rose
TT: goodbye Dave.

turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering tentacleTherapist [TT]

Dave didn't even relize he was crying. Tears on his cheeks. How can he be so blind? (No offense terezi).

He knew something was up, and that this wasnt the first time.

One day they met up with John at a coffee shop amd Terezi was being flirty with john and before he left he winked at her.

Dave noticed and that was a week ago, and everytime she had a hicky after coming home late from work. God he was an Idoit!

Him and Terezi have been dating for almost a year, and not once did they have sex with each other. She was too busy havimg it with John.

Dave was glad to be able to talk to Rose, it was going to make him feel better...


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