Chapter 6

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The next day Karkat was hanging out with Kanaya.

"And what is the problem exactly?"

"I think I'm flushed for Dave... but Terezi is his matesprit..."

"Karkat, can I please state something, I dont mean to be meddlsome"

"What is it kanaya?"

"Rose told me that Dave was upset and he came over because she thoughy some tea would cheer him up then he told us that Terezi broke up with him for John."

"Terezi broke up with him?" He felt a slight smile tug on his face.

"From what Dave said, yes."

"I'm going to go see him."

"Goodbye karkat, can we maybe have tea tomarrow?"

"Sure, bye kanaya"

He waved and started walking towards Dave's hive- you mean house. He knocks and Dave opens it, he tries to hide it but karkat can tell he was crying. He isnt even wearing his shades. "Hi dave"

"H-hey kitkat, whats up?"

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah im good." He looked inside and looked back at karkat. "Wanna come in?"

"Sure." Dave walks out of the way and lets karkat inside, closing the door behind him.

The place was a mess. Trash was all over the place, empty tubs of icecream and roman scattered across the counters. His glasses where on the floor, broken.

"Are you ok strider?"

"Yeah... im fine" dave sat on the couch and karkat sat next to him. He could feel his heart beating faster from how close he was to dave.

"Dave... what happened?"

Dave sighed. "Tz broke up with me to be with john..."

"Isnt john like your moirail?

"Yeah..." dave looked like he was about to burst into tears. Karkat couldnt stop himself and before he knew it, he pulled dave into a hug. Dave hugged him back.

Karkat couldnt help himself, he knew that dave just went through a brake up and this wasnt a good idea... but he had to. So karkat brought his lips up to dave's.

Dave returned the gesture and put his arms around karkat. The tears dave was building up didnt fall.

Karkat ceased the kiss and his cheeks were a dark red. "Karkat..."


"Do you like me?"


Dave kissed him quickly. "I do to..."

Sorry i know it is short but this is the perfect place to stop it. Also i am in a compitition with myself. So at this moment i am typing this, my erisol fanfic i am writing, "i still hate you" has the same amount of views as this. They both have 28. So im trying to see what is better

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