3: Karma Time

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Nagisa's PoV

Class 3-E was worse than he expected.

Nagisa knew that if the giant yellow octopus nicknamed Koro-sensei hadn't been killed yet, the class had to be incompetent. But he was appalled by how carefree the students seemed.

It was like none of them were taking the threat seriously. Like the world wasn't going to be destroyed next March if they didn't succeed.

There was one student who was slightly different, though not that much better. Karma Akabane, with his bright red hair and constant companion of strawberry milk, was excellent at acting superior, and his grades were certainly top of the class.

But save the tentacle Karma destroyed on his first day, he doesn't seem to have contributed anything.

Honestly, Nagisa thought. Is anyone here worthy of being the closest to Koro-sensei?

But Karma definitely had potential. Maybe everything would be even easier if Nagisa used Karma to achieve his goal.

"Karma," Nagisa approached the boy during a five-minute break. "Did you understand that last lesson?"

Karma looked up, his golden eyes glistening. Nagisa wondered if some people had a special talent to make their eyes sparkle 24/7 like an anime character. "Of course."

"Oh, yeah. You're really smart, aren't you, Karma?" Nagisa said brightly. "I don't know how you can be in the E class."

"I don't know why you're in this class either."

"Eh?" Nagisa tilted his head. "What do you mean? I'm just not very good at academics."

Karma swung his feet onto his desk and tipped back into his chair, putting a notebook over his face. It was clear he was ending the conversation.

He was definitely acting way too superior. But the evident way that Karma was building a wall around him made Nagisa want to climb that wall before it was too late and get Karma wrapped around his finger as soon as possible.

"Karma!" Nagisa called to him as soon as school was over. "Want to walk home together?"

"I'm good," Karma replied, swinging his bag over his shoulder.


"Hey, I'll walk with you," Kayano said to Nagisa from the desk beside him.

Not you, Nagisa almost yelled, but he controlled himself.

The next couple of weeks was utterly painful for Nagisa. There's only so much a person can mindlessly follow someone they don't even really like. He felt like a dog, and an unappreciated one at that.


Karma's PoV

Nagisa was obviously sucking up to him, though he didn't really understand why.

Maybe this kid just wanted to maintain close, friendly relationships with everyone; Nagisa was, from Karma's observations, almost cunningly a well-liked guy.

Or maybe Karma was overthinking everything, and Nagisa just wanted to be friends for the hell of it.

Or maybe-

"Karma," Nagisa said. The boy was leaning against Karma's desk, sleeves rolled up and long hair in a ponytail. Karma didn't even notice him approach. "Look at this!"

In his hands was a magazine, flipped open to a page displaying a movie ad. It looked action-packed, as it was a superhero movie. That part Karma didn't care about, but he noticed that it was by a director that he was actually fond of. Could it be that he and Nagisa shared a common interest?

"This director's amazing, isn't he? It looks like it'll be amazing, even though this kind of thing isn't what he usually makes. Wait," Nagisa paused. "Sorry, I didn't even think about if you would know this guy or not." He gave a small laugh. "Ah, guess I got kind of overexcited seeing this."

The words flew out of his mouth with him barely stopping for breath. Karma had to appreciate how brightly this kid seemed to glow. Getting so excited over a movie? Maybe Nagisa was more of a normal kid than he had thought.

Or that's what he wanted him to think.

Karma peered over the magazine. "Yeah, I like this guy. Too bad it's not going to available here for a while." (A/N: The problem I have with every new anime movie.)

"Yeah," the small boy groaned, putting his elbows on Karma's desk. He slowly twirled the end of his ponytail around his forefinger, looking lost in thought. "It'd be nice to see it as soon as possible..."

Suddenly, as if a light bulb had appeared inside his skull rather than above his head, his face turned bright. Karma moved an inch away.

"Koro-sensei! Our teacher!"


Nagisa grinned, closing the magazine and standing up straight. Though he was still close, the world grew a little dimmer as this ball of sunshine moved further away. It was relief, of course; no one would want someone so bright next to them all the time. "The teacher can fly and travel at mach 20 speed, right? Karasuma told me. So what if he takes us there?"


Nagisa's PoV

As if he had just thought of that. All of this was going exactly as he had mentally scripted. Right down the spark of interest in Karma's golden eyes. "That's a strange plan," he said, practically spitting out an aura of superiority. What a pretentious prick. "What makes you think he'd take us?"

"Koro-sensei!" Nagisa called out. The yellow octopus was standing just a few feet away, big comical smiley-face on as always. Nagisa had already explained to the teacher what he wanted; he had heartily agreed, as he seemed to want Karma to show interest in more things.

All of these people were just too simple.

There were so many benefits to this trip. Firstly, getting closer to Karma Akabane. Who knew what secrets this guy could be holding? Nagisa would take anything that would bring him a step closer to killing the alien.

Second, there'd be time for Nagisa to attempt an assassination, though it'd be risky because of how high up they'd be. But even if he didn't succeed, he'd be practically skin-close to the monster himself. And also Karma, but that part's not important. It's Koro-sensei with the mysterious form, not Karma.

All in all, this was the first big hurdle.

A/N: It's been 4 months. Sorry. Side note, at one point in the chapter I started falling asleep and typed some random stuff in 2 seconds, so this is how it would've played out if I stopped trying:

In his hands was a magazine, flipped open to a page displaying a movie ad. "Look at this shit my dude," Nagisa said.

"Fam this shit's lit let's go see it"

"hell yea and maybe we can make out in the theatre?"


"i said nOtHiNg but heyyy koro sensei want to take us on a ride"

"sure and ill make sure to drop both of y'all into the pacific ocean so u can die of a cute double suicide/murder"

"aww thank you teach knew i could count on you"


I think this would be considered shitposting. I'll probably delete this part.

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