MineCon Day 4

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Mitch's POV

I noticed someone familiar getting an autograph from Pauline. "Hi... Link is it or Chase" I say getting Pauline to get the security to pull him out of the Convention. Later that day, I had a pack meet up with Poofless, VikkLan and Jerome. That went for an hour n half, later I meet up with Pauline AKA Daisy so she can get a ride to the store and then home. Her cousin took Shadow and (Y/N) home really cause they wanted to be ready for school. I took Daisy to her place which looked amazing by the way. She thanked me and I was off, not even getting out of her lane she calls me back saying, that someone broke in and trashed her stuff along with Josh's and (Y/N) stuff.

Daisy's POV

Mitch took me home right after I got stuff at Wally World. I open the door and see the entire house trashed. I see Mitch starting too pull out then I yell his name. Mitch rolls back in and comes in to see the condition the the home. "Pau- I mean Daiz does Josh have cameras set up-" "Yes he does follow me" I say cutting Mitch off. Both of us run upstairs to Josh's room and I pull up the last 3 hrs and see Jerome in a state of freaking out. "Uh Mitch- Uh nevermind it was Josh having a fit" I  lied to protect him and Jerome. "Mitch I can clean up and find Josh and (Y/N)" after I said that he said OK and he was off. I can't believe lied to Mitch. I can't tell him it was Jerome. I felt tears coming down my face. I jumped to the doorbell ringing, I go down to see Shadow at the door. "Could I tell you something Daisy" he asked so scared, "uh sure can we sit out here" I asked and he said yea. "I saw Jerome take Josh and (Y/N)-" he started then looked at me "guess you already know that"

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