Marry Me?

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Before I start this; super big shoutout to Kelandgel for helping me come up with ideas for this and writing their speeches and also for the beautiful collage. Bless her heart. ❤ Please check out her work as well, she has a wonderful Namjin story that I fell in love with called Kismet. I can't thank her enough! ❤❤❤


He felt hypersensitive to the weight of the small, velvety box in his bag. He was nervous. So nervous. He loved him so much, but what if he said "no?" What if he thought they were still too young? Their secret relationship had a few years under the belt and Taehyung had fallen in love the moment he met Jungkook. The younger was so shy and tentative. It took months to get him to fully open up. He personally feels like they are ready to take this step, but you should always leave room for the benefit of the doubt.

They each have a bag of their own that they carry around. They stopped to eat some fries, and that's when Tae decided to give poor Jungkook a heart attack. The boy from Daegu dropped to one knee when the younger wasn't looking.

"Jungkook?" The man in question turned around and gulped nervously at the sight...until he seen the ring pop in Taehyung hand. "Will you marry me?" He says with a big grin and a giggle.

"You ass!" Jungkook laughs and takes the treat. They casually chatted about small things, but avoided the topic of engagement and marriage. They continued to walk around the amusement park riding all the adrenaline-pumping rides until after the sun had set and the stars came out. They rode the smaller, cute rides after that when Taehyung finally found the perfect place to pop the real question with a real ring. The ferris wheel.

The ferris wheel was gigantic and intimidating to stand so close to. The metal brackets were all covered with a string of soft blue lights. "You scared?" Taehyung teases and bumps the younger's shoulder.

"No." Jungkook rolls his eyes and smiles. "It's really pretty though..." Taehyung grins back and squeezes his hand before letting it go.

"Stay here. I'll get our tickets." Taehyung walks off and Jungkook lets out a breath of air. He digs around in his bag. He feels the small velvet box right next to the stupid Ring-Pop Tae whipped out.

"Good, it's still there." He exhales.

"What's still there?" Taehyung asks, tickets in hand.

"Oh, uh the Ring-Pop thing." He laughs nervously.

"I'm glad you like it." His boxy grin makes Jungkook's knees weak. "Come on, let's go. I think they are lighting off fireworks soon too, so let's hurry!" He grabs the younger's hand and drags him along. They get into a carriage and soon are overlooking the park and city. Its quiet, and semi-awkward as they find the courage to speak.

"Kookie, I-"
"Tae, I-"

They both blush a little and smile. "You first." Jungkook says softly. He's caught off guard when Taehyung moves to get down on one knee in front of him. He doesn't know what to say, so he says nothing.

"Jeon Jungkook, how can I put into words how much you mean to me? You're the love of my life and the minute I saw you, I thought I've never seen someone so beautiful in my life. Meeting you was like watching the sunrise after a cold, dark night. It was hard for us at first, my sexuality wasn't clear yet and I dated guys and girls because I was confused but when I saw you, there was just something different about you that made me feel different. You made me want to be a better person and not having you made me crazy. I would fuck others just so that you would get jealous and come to me. I needed you to feel like I was yours, that nobody else could have me. I only want to be yours and now that I have you, I know I can never let you go. Having you by my side is the best thing that has ever happened to me, I love you so much. It would be a great honor to have you as my husband to stand by me forever. You're my other half, a piece I never knew that was missing. So, Jeon Jungkook, with you marry me?"

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