The Wonders of Having a Newborn

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"If you would like to bring the girls in to see Kyungsan, you are more then welcome." Taehyung offered. Rubbing his son's pink cheek as he fed off of Jungkook. They had no formula, so Jungkook didn't have much of a choice. Luckily the baby took to latching immediately.

"Are you sure?" Jin didn't mind making his daughters wait to see the baby, even though seeing Jungkook with Kyungsan made him want to hold his own children.

"I'm sure. Just wait until he's done eating though." Jungkook let out a little laugh. Once the baby was fed and burped both Jimin and Jin left to grab their husbands and children. Seeing the young girls so fascinated with the baby boy was absolutely precious. Nayoung and Mina stared at Kyungsan and talked to him. However, Sujin seemed to be sort of afraid of the baby, maybe she didn't know what to make of him (or she was in need of her nap since it was around noon), but she clung to Jin and whimpered until he picked her up.

Unfortunately, they all agreed not to let the girls hold Kyungsan. Just to be safe if they had some sickness, they didn't want anything to get passed to the baby while they couldn't get them to the hospital. It wouldn't be until about three hours later that the ambulance slowly made their way to them and got them to the hospital.

Both baby and mom were perfectly healthy and permitted to go home once the storm has eased and roads were cleared. They were only at the hospital for four days, while they were there they discovered Kyungsan was "colicky" due to gastrointestinal discomfort, which involved painful gas bubbles and intestinal cramping. He would cry for hours completely unconsolable. They tried formula given from the hospital, but he only screamed louder, not taking to the bottle. They even tried a feeding tube which the formula hurt the baby's tummy more. Jungkook decided to continue to breastfeed his son. The new parent had to keep a close eye on what he ate though. The doctors gave him a list of suggestions, but it would still be a hit or miss trial, which would be a similar issue when they introduced formula.


The first two weeks of Kyungsan's life was rough on both of his parents. He didn't have a sleeping schedule or feeding schedule yet. On top of lack of sleep, Kyungsan would wake up his parents in the middle of the night screaming in discomfort.

"I know, Kyungie, I know." Taehyung rocked back and forth, gently bouncing the baby while burping him. He was out in the living room so hopefully Jungkook would get some sleep. The newborn suddenly spat up with a big burp, luckily Taehyung had his chest covered with a blanket just for the occasion. His cries slowly got quieter and soon he was asleep again. Taehyung continued to burp him just in case. Once he felt that his son was okay and able to sleep comfortably he brought him back to his and Jungkook's room. They bought a co-sleeping crib that you push right up against the side of the bed. Jungkook was still awake, unable to sleep due to worrying about his son. Jungkook put his hand to his baby's so Kyungsan could wrap his tiny hand around a single finger. It eased his mind to have the contact. Taehyung scooted up towards him, spooning the younger.

Jungkook wakes up a few hours later to his son's cry. He gets up, turns on the lamp, and picks up the fussing baby. Just a dirty diaper. He lays down a changing sheet on the bed and skillfully changes his son without getting peed on. Once in a fresh clean diaper, Kyungsan quiets down and hums softly. Jungkook places his thumb beneath the baby's bottom lip, if he was hungry he would try to suckle on his thumb. The baby opens his mouth, but doesn't move to the source, signifying he wasn't hungry. Jungkook lifts the newborn and places him in the co-sleeper. Kyungsan takes a grip on his mother's finger as they both fall back to sleep.

Just an hour later and the crying starts back up. This time it's a hunger cry.

"I hear you, baby boy." Jungkook says tiredly and rubs the sleep from his eyes. "Let's get some food in your tummy, hm?" He whispers and picks up the baby. Kyungsan cries and tries to find his source of food. Jungkook takes the crying baby into the kitchen and turns on the bottle warmer. However, the baby is screaming and trying to latch but gets a mouthful of Jungkook's shirt, making the baby angier. "Okay, okay, I give." He puts the bottle of pre-pumped milk back in the fridge. He sits down on the soft, new couch in the living room. He frees one arm and brings the baby to his chest. Kyungsan latches immediately and hums in delight. It still hurts to breastfeed, but it was nothing compared to labor pains, so he doesn't mind it all that much.

About ten or fifteen minutes later, the baby is full and crying again. About half an hour worth of screaming and being burped later, Kyungsan is about to fall asleep while sucking Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook finds the closest pacifier and puts it in his son's mouth. Kyungsan cooes happily and sucks on it. Jungkook doesn't go to bed though. Not when the baby is still awake. He keeps him upright as he lays the baby on his chest and gently rubs his back with occasional pats. Twenty-five minutes and Kyungsan is fast asleep. Kyungsan is placed in his bed and Jungkook crawls into his own bed and snuggled up next to Taehyung to sleep until the process is repeated.


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