Little Ones

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There's a lot of crying in this chapter

Also baby names and looks ahead!

Don't forget to leave plenty of comments, they encourage me to continue writing ❤️


Taehyung quickly fills out paperwork before heading up to the to the NICU. A few interns were so nice to be cleaning the blood out of the van and Taehyung is left to see the babies while Jungkook is in surgery.

He feels like he's in a daze. The surgical intern told him it was a good thing Jungkook called and that they were so close to the hospital when his uterus ruptured. But it does little to assure him. It's been an hour since they got here and he's just now about to go see the babies' faces for the first time. He's got Jungkook's bag and the quads' diaper bag slung over his shoulder as a nurse ushers him to a private room.

Once he sees them he feels like he can't breathe. Their tiny bodies are in incubators and wiggling around fussing.

"This little guy was born first, he's also the biggest." She smiles cheerily as she pulls out the baby's birth certificate to fill out. "What's his name?"

"Kim Taesung." He says as he wipes the tears from his eyes with his sleeve, reaching into the incubator with his free hand and gently touching the baby's hand. "His name is Kim Taesung." He coos as he smiles at the baby. Taesung wriggles a little bit, his tiny fingers wrapping around his father's pinky. He's a perfect mix of the two. Taehyung's nose and lips, Jungkook's eyes and eyebrows, making him look a lot like Kyungsan.

The nurse waits patiently before going to the next baby. "He's the second born, he's one of the twins."

"This one is Kim Jihyung. He looks just like his mommy." Right now as far as Taehyung can tell there isn't much of himself in the baby other than the shape of his face and eyes, maybe his nose but it's hard to tell. He turns his attention to the other twin, that one has a bit skinnier build than his brother but otherwise they look about the same. "This one is Kim Jaekook."

"And your little girl?" The nurse asks pulling out the final birth certificate. Taehyung hums gently and walks over to the final incubator. She's the youngest and the smallest and her little eyes flutter open and Taehyung holds his breath for a moment as he looks at her. There's nothing on her that's from him, it's all Jungkook, unlike the twins who have traits from him but they aren't definitive other than their eyes. But her? She has Jungkook's eyes, brows, nose, lips, ears, everything like copy and paste. Much like how Areum is Taehyung's little clone.

"Mr. Kim?" The nurse asks softly. "Her name?"

"Yeah sorry." He wipes the tears off his face again with his sleeve. He approaches the incubator, reaching his hand inside to touch her tiny little hand. "Kim Soojung."


It's been hours and Taehyung is still waiting to hear from the doctors about Jungkook. The only thing distracting him is the little fussy babies.

"I'm so proud of your mommy. He made sure you would make it." Taehyung coos as he holds Soojung's hand with his finger.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung?"

"Yes?" He answers, taking his attention away from the baby.

"Your husband is out of surgery and he's awake. You can come see him." The doctor smiles and Taehyung feels some of the stress lift from his shoulders.

"I'll be back, little ones." He coos at the babies before following the doctor through the maze of halls.

"The tear was too major and the organ couldn't be saved. We had to remove his uterus. He's also on a lot of pain medication so he's pretty out of it and he's, uh, loopy from the strong anesthesia but his mood is good." The doctor smiles as they arrive at the door to Jungkook's hospital room.

Are You Ready?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora