Taekook Baby No.2

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"Tae! Tae, wake up!"

Said Daegu boy jerks awake with alarm. "What's wrong?" The lamp on Jungkook's side of the bed is on and he rubs his eyes to adjust them to the brightness. Once his vision is focused he can see Jungkook's confused face not far away from his own.

"What? Nothing's wrong." His brows furrow.

"Why'd you wake me?" Taehyung's brain still isn't fully functioning yet. "Oh, you want to-"

"No, I didn't wake you up to have sex with you...well, not this time anyway." Jungkook shakes his head. "Just, ugh, feel!" He grabs Taehyung's hand and places it on his swollen stomach. Jungkook leans back against the pillows as his husband's hands feel around his belly.

"I can feel her kicking!" Taehyung coos, pressing kisses to the area.

"It's a boy, I'm telling you."

"We'll find out soon. And then you'll owe me a blow job!" Taehyung says sticking his tongue out.

"I'll bite it off." Jungkook glares playfully, daring his husband to test him further.

"Wait...which one?"

Jungkook doesn't answer. Instead he smirks as he turns off the lights and lays back down.

"You wouldn't bite off my dick, right?"

"Goodnight, babe."

"But- hmmm." He grumbles before flopping back down on the mattress.


Jungkook wakes up to a shout of "Good morning, daddy!" Follow by a grunt as Kyungsan pounces on his father.

"Careful, Kyungie, one day you're going to grow and you might crush daddy." Taehyung groans as he lifts his son off of him. Kyungsan just responds with what sounds like an almost evil giggle as he's put down.

Kyungsan wakes up Jungkook differently. He kisses all over his mother's face with loud 'mwah' sounds. "Mommy awake?"

"Good morning, baby." Jungkook smiles at his son. "Your baby sibling was kicking mommy last night." He says as brushes his hand through Kyungsan's hair.

"Why baby kick mommy?" Kyungsan pouts. "Why baby hurt mommy?"

Jungkook giggles. "Oh Kyungie, it doesn't hurt mommy. That's how the baby moves around in my tummy." He says places his hand on his bump. Kyungsan pokes the bump.

"Baby in mommy tummy!" Kyungsan smiles.

"Put your hand here." Jungkook takes Kyungsan's hands and puts them on the spot the baby is kicking at.

"Ohhhh!!!" Kyungsan coos.

"Can you give the baby a kiss?" Taehyung prompts him. The toddler takes his hands away and presses a kiss to the baby.

"Hi, baby." Kyungsan says pressing his cheek to his bump.

"You excited for today? You get to find out if you have a little brother or sister." Taehyung smiles as he cuddles into Jungkook's side.


They have quite a few hours before Jungkook's appointment. It wasn't until one in the afternoon.


"You're costing us a lot of money, do you know that?" Jungkook says to his stomach as they sit in the room, waiting for the ultrasound technician to enter. His stomach has grown more in his second pregnancy, at twenty-two weeks with Kyungsan, Jungkook could still wear a t-shirt and no one would know. But the only way you can't tell he's pregnant with this baby is when he wears a sweatshirt.

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