Does Jumin Han Is Gay? - MysticMessenger

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You was with the Jumin Han and Zen at Jumin's house. Suddenly you grab Zen's shoulders and gasp.

"Wat." Zen asks annoyed. Your eyes reflect unicorns puking le rainbows.

"DOES JUMIN HAN IS GAY?!?!" You shout, and fall to the floor spasming. Jumin le Han looks at you, his hair replaced with millions of baby catz.

"You son of a muthermewer I not the gay." Jumane says. You cry and then go to find Elizabeth the 3rd. You walk back into the room to see the wild Jumin Hanny kissing the wild Zennnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

You foam at the mouth and drop Elizabeth the Turd on the floor, Elizabeth crashes through the floor and plummets through the center of the earth. Peoples in the China's just got a toasty cat.

"JUMIN HAN DOES IS GAY!!!" You scream, before Jumin kills himselfs.

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