STAHP - Black Butler

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You are going to the Phantomhive manor to visit le grumpy grump child and nosebleed-inducing hot blob.

You arrive, Mr. I'm-Sexy-And-I-Know-It leading you inside. You see the grumpy child and hug him so hard his head pops off.

"Sebas-Chan, I think I broke him..." You tell BASSY. He nods and takes both Si-el's boday and head to his room.


"NO, BAD BASSY." You tell him for trying to... *ahem* molest you. You get the lamp and smash his head in.

"NoT aGaIn..." He says, and jumps on you. You do the screaming and then blow le rape whistle.

Suddenly a wild Grell appears and sucks Bassy's face off before disappearing.

You decide you never should have come to visit them.

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